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Porters Point School PBiS Team Members: Jim Marshall, Jordanna Silverberg, Fred Moses, Dan Shepherd, Maureen Belaski, Mary Ann Kadish, Connie Cummings.

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Presentation on theme: "Porters Point School PBiS Team Members: Jim Marshall, Jordanna Silverberg, Fred Moses, Dan Shepherd, Maureen Belaski, Mary Ann Kadish, Connie Cummings."— Presentation transcript:

1 Porters Point School PBiS Team Members: Jim Marshall, Jordanna Silverberg, Fred Moses, Dan Shepherd, Maureen Belaski, Mary Ann Kadish, Connie Cummings and Jennifer Gamache

2 So WHAT is School-wide PBIS? Positive Behavior Intervention Support is a proactive school-wide data driven systems approach to improving social and academic competence for all students.

3 Preparation for PBIS Fall 2009 - Present Staff Vote-100% Evolve Committee at PPS Behavior Committee at PPS PBIS Trainings-September 2010-present PBIS Leadership Team at PPS Building Effective Strategies for Teaching Institute-Killington

4 PBIS Roll Out at PPS Teachers Support Staff Custodians Cafeteria Staff Bus drivers ACE (after school program) Police Department PTO Students

5 Staff Development link to PBIS Crisis Prevention Intervention (CPI) De-escalation training Social Thinking Training Staff meetings focusing on sensory breaks Porters Point Staff Development has supported PBIS implementation through:

6 SYSTEMS PRACTICES DATA Supporting Staff Behavior Supporting Decision Making Supporting Student Behavior Positive Behavior Interventions & Supports Evidence-based Smallest effort Biggest, durable effect

7 Universal Prevention: School-/Classroom- Wide Systems for All Students, Staff, & Settings Targeted Prevention: Specialized Group Systems for Students with At-Risk Behavior Intensive Prevention: Specialized Individualized Systems for Students with High-Risk Behavior ~80% of Students ~15% ~5% SCHOOL-WIDE POSITIVE BEHAVIOR SUPPORT

8 Statement of Purpose To create a positive school culture through promoting school-wide behavior expectations, by using structures to model and teach expectations, with consistent responses to problem behavior and the use of data to make those decisions. Family and community involvement happens at all levels.

9 Be Safe Be Respectful Be Ready to Learn School Wide Expectations

10 Rule/ Expectation Routine/Setting PlaygroundHallwaysCafeteriaBusClassroom Settings Be Safe -Seek adult help when needed -Use equipment correctly -Stay within the boundaries -Play safe -Line up safely -Make safe choices - -Walk in straight lines -Face Forward -Keep a space around you and person in front -Hands and feet to yourself - -Wait in line with hands and feet to yourself -Walk holding your tray with both hands -Stay seated in the cafeteria -Raise hand if you need something - -Stay in your seat facing forward -Keep hands, feet and other objects inside the bus -Keep your back against the back of the seat -Exit bus safely when the bus has come to a complete stop - -Keep your hands and feet to yourself -Stay in assigned area -Take care of supplies and school property -Move safely and slowly - School-Wide Expectations MATRIX

11 Be Respectful -Share equipment -Include others -Return equipment - -Move quietly in line -Walk on the right -Use eyes to look at art work -Keep hallways neat and clean - -Eat your own food -Practice good table manners -Recycle -Use inside voice -Be kind to people around you - -Use an inside voice -Be kind to people around you - -Listen to others -Raise your hands and wait to be called on -Use encouraging polite and kind words -Eyes on speaker Rule/ Expectation Routine/Setting PlaygroundHallwaysCafeteriaBusClassroom Settings

12 Be Ready to Learn -Follow the directions first time given -Have a plan for play -Line up for the bell - HALLWAY POSITION -Quiet when lights are off - CAFETERIA POSITION -Be at the bus stop on time -Watch for you stop - BUS SITTING POSITION -Participate in class activities -Complete your work and do your best - GRADE LEVEL/SPECIAL POSITION Rule/ Expectation Routine/Setting PlaygroundHallwaysCafeteriaBusClassroom Settings

13 Each Classroom was given a copy of Have You Filled a Bucket Today? The text supports our school expectations. The Library is building resources to further support the PBIS implementation.

14 Student Safety Posters

15 Students helped introduce the School Wide Expectations. They continue to teach each other through role play, songs and skits.

16 Recognition System Our tangible is called a “warm fuzzy” given as a recognition to an individual student. “Warm Fuzzies” are collected in all classroom settings (including unified arts, cafeteria, bus, title 1 and special education) for one week. Classroom containers are emptied into a whole school recognition container in the cafeteria each Friday.

17 Each Friday at lunch classes bring their bears with “Warm Fuzzies” and they are added to the large containers. Students applaud the success of each class as their jars are emptied.

18 Whole School Recognition assemblies are held when each whole school container is filled. A whole school celebration is announced and carried out.

19 Responsive Classroom and PBIS are compatible in many ways: both use positive strategies to explicitly teach and support positive behaviors both recognize that punitive or “get tough” strategies are harmful to children both aim to establish positive school wide climates for learning both acknowledge the importance of recognizing and reinforcing positive behavior both emphasize the importance of responding consistently and immediately to children’s behavior


21 SWIS DATA Problem Behavior

22 SWIS DATA Location

23 SWIS DATA Time of Incident

24 SWIS DATA Student Referred

25 Visit our PBIS Blog to see how we are doing!

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