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Presentation on theme: "THE CHOKING GAME G.A.S.P. Games ADOLESCENTS SHOULDN’T PLAY."— Presentation transcript:


2 A GAME? It is not a game Kids do it for a thrill It can be deadly
It is self-asphyxiation Kids do it to themselves or to each other Deaths occur because the “game” was carried too far

3 Some Statistics 75% of 9-14 year olds know about the “choking game” (even know someone who has done it, or they have done it) Boys are much more likely to die from the choking game than girls (87% of victims are boys) Most of those who die are years old (89%)

4 What is the Choking Game?
A person will use their thumbs against the carotid arteries which interrupts the blood supply to the brain (this is usually done when friends are involved) A belt, rope, or neck tie is used around the neck in a pulling or hanging fashion (this is more often done by a person when alone) A person pushes on someone’s chest against a wall or floor limiting the heart’s ability to get oxygenated blood to the brain.

5 Choking Game Continued
A person (or another person) is cutting off the supply of oxygen to their brain for a “rush” or a “high” The “rush” occurs when the loss of blood to the brain causes the person to fall limp The hands, belt, rope, etc are then released from the carotid artery and the blood flow is restored The resulting rush of blood flow to the brain will cause tingling and a sense of euphoria for a few seconds

6 What Can Go Wrong? A person who does this alone does not have anyone to observe them and make sure they don’t carry it too far A pro-longed asphyxiation can accidently cause death Even when death does not occur, there can be brain cell death How much deprivations of Oxygen to the brain is too much Death can occur the first time someone does this or the tenth time or anytime

7 Warning Signs Detailed knowledge of the choking game Bloodshot eyes
Marks on the neck Ropes, scarves, and belts tied to bedroom furniture Severe headaches Disorientation after being alone

8 What is the Attraction for Teens?
A brief sense of euphoria An altered state of consciousness Peer pressure A dare from a friend Enhanced erotic feelings Entertainment when done with a friend

9 What are Some of the Other Names?
Space Monkey Black Hole Fainting Game Flat Liner Funky Chicken Pass out Game Cloud Nine ***NO MATTER THE NAME THE RESULTS CAN BE THE SAME!

10 Who Would Do This? 9-16 year olds More males than females
Well adjusted, high achieving students who are looking to have a sensational experience that they feel is safer than drugs and alcohol Teens not necessarily involved in other risky behaviors

11 Death It is estimated that there are as few as 250 and as many as 1,000 deaths among adolescents each year The discrepancy in the numbers is because it is difficult to track statistics as many deaths are actually reported as suicides

12 What Can You Do? Be Pro-Active!
Don’t be afraid to talk to your teen. Remember 75% of them already know anyway Tell them the dangers…this they do not know Teens feel that it is OK because it is not illegal like drugs and alcohol Tell them this is not a game and it can be deadly

13 SUMMARY Tell your child if they know of any of their friends doing this they need to tell an adult There is a very real danger to the “choking game” the first time and every time It is not measurable how much loss of oxygen is too much


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