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Videogames effect on the Brain By: Kiernan Sherman.

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Presentation on theme: "Videogames effect on the Brain By: Kiernan Sherman."— Presentation transcript:

1 Videogames effect on the Brain By: Kiernan Sherman

2 The Effects on the Brain There are many debates if videogames can truly help your brain, and the following evidence will show you how beneficial it truly can be. The first major one is following instructions. This one can either be positive or negative depending on the game, but if you are playing a calming game, you can really learn how to follow instructions in real life. For example, if you are playing a game like Tetris, it teaches you how to follow instructions because it releases dopamine and teaches you where to go and very good management and organizing skills.

3 The Positive Effects on the Brain Part 2 I will know discuss the most common beneficial effect and probably every excuse someone uses when playing games, simple hand-eye coordination. We have all been at one point where our excuse was when you were playing a game, “I am learning hand-eye coordination, so it is beneficial.” Yes, it does help you, but try not to play for more than 45 minutes at a time and take breaks every so often. This results in faster movements and fast reactions. In a real life situation, you can improve moving faster with your hands and knowing where your eyes to go, so it is especially important in sports.

4 The Negative Effects on the Brain There can’t be any negatives without any positives, so we will sadly discuss of how far a fictional game can create real consequences. Most of us know that depression can result in not enough dopamine produced, same can result in in playing violent video games. When repeating playing violent games, they soon get influenced and want to do what the game is doing. This can sadly resu.t in school shootings or other harmful and tragic event in society, all because their brain can’t differentiate fiction from reality.

5 Your Brain on Videogames

6 Overall (Summary) With the reasons stated above, videogames can be a great time waster and something to do in your free time. Whatever you play, try to limit the amount of time playing and go outside or read a book to keep your brain and body in shape. There are so many positives, it covers up most of the negatives and even playing a game that challenges your brain and makes you think could build up your brains memory and overall positive mood.

7 Bibliography bad-effects-of-video-games bad-effects-of-video-games affect-adolescent-brains affect-adolescent-brains ry__How_do_video_games_affect_the.17.aspx ry__How_do_video_games_affect_the.17.aspx games-could-actually-change-your-brain-not-bad-way-180950453/ games-could-actually-change-your-brain-not-bad-way-180950453/

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