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Born Free Be Free By Warren W. Wierbse Galatians 1:11-24.

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1 Born Free Be Free By Warren W. Wierbse Galatians 1:11-24

2 “Whoso would be a man must be a nonconformist” Emerson “O Lord, grant that these brethren may never want to be like other people.” Francis Ashbury Wrong kind of individuality: conformity that destroys instead of fulfills Paul’s freedom in Christ was a threat to those who found safety in conformity. Paul’s enemies looked at his nonconformity as proof that his message & ministry were not really of God.

3 Three pictures from his past as evidence that his apostleship & gospel message were of God. –The Persecutor (1:13-14) Unconverted Jewish rabbi (Acts 9, 22 &26) Relationship to the church (13) Relationship to the religion of the Jews (14) Consented to the murder of Stephen (Acts 8:1) Made honor of the church (Acts 8:3) Thought that Jesus was an impostor Brilliant student of Gamaliel (Acts22:3) Became the preacher of the gospel in Damascus God changed Paul, not Jews or church

4 –The Believer (1:15-16b, 24) God did it (15:15a, 16a) –“It pleased God…to reveal His Son in me” God did it by grace (15b) –Salvation by grace, not man’s efforts or character –Grace & called go together (15b) –“Not will that any should perish” II Peter 3:9 God did through Christ (16a) –“But what things were gain to me, those I counted loss for Christ” Philippians 3:7 –God revealed Christ to Paul, in Paul, & through Paul –Jews’ religion - outward rituals & practices –Faith in Christ - inward experience of reality with Christ

5 God did it for the sake of others (16b) –God used him to save others –Paul preached among the Gentiles God did it for His glory (24) –Man was created to glorify God (Isaiah 42:7) –Man is saved to glorify God (I Cor. 6:19-20) –Giving glory to God was Paul’s motive in life & ministry »Judaizers were interested in their own glory (6:11-18) »They stole Paul's converts –The Preacher (1:16c-23) Paul went to Arabia, not Jerusalem –He gave himself to study, prayer, and meditation and met with the Lord alone –Three years in Arabia

6 He went back to Damascus –Basket incident (Acts 9:23-25) –Danger revealed proof that Paul was an enemy He finally visited Jerusalem (18-20) –Main purpose was to visit Peter –15 days in Jerusalem –Saw Peter & James, Lord’s brother He returned home to Tarsus (21-23) »Reason: his life was in danger even in Jerusalem »He stayed for 7 years before Barnabas recruited him for the work in Antioch In Paul’s day, the message was the Gospel plus Moses. In our day, it is the gospel plus... “If any man preach any other gospel unto you than that you have received, let him be accursed” Galatians 1:9

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