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Padma Satyamurthy. 12/12/20152

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1 Padma Satyamurthy

2 12/12/20152

3  A visual process management system  Kanban literally means “visual card,” “signboard,” or “billboard.”  Toyota originally used Kanban cards to limit the amount of inventory tied up in “work in progress” on a manufacturing floor  Not only is excess inventory waste, time spent producing it is time that could be expended elsewhere  Kanban cards act as a form of “currency” representing how WIP is allowed in a system. 看 板 12/12/20153

4  Function designed to  Hire  Learning and Development  Reward and Retain – Performance Appraisal  Manage and motivate – Cultural Change Agent 12/12/20154

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9  No prescribed roles  Continuous delivery  Single piece flow allows work pulled through system  Easy changes to the list  Measurement is through cycle time 12/12/20159

10  The foundation of talent acquisition (TA) is to align resources to business needs to fill positions  However, it’s not as simple as it sounds – there are complexities of resource allocation and prioritization  Using the agile principle of breaking down a big feature into smaller user stories and handling each of these based on priority, talent acquisition activity of demand and supply of headcount management evolved  For years, talent acquisition has operated on a PUSH like system where requests are created by business units and pushed to the TA team  An example of how this can work:  Business units are given and available amount of “demand”  Recruiters are assigned a “capacity”  Requisitions are broken into user stories and given “value”  Cadence of “prioritization” is established  Recruitment teams begins to take control, self organize and work on the demand 12/12/201510

11  Visualize the workflow ▪ How does the demand supply look like? ▪ Negotiations and prioritization  Limit WIP ▪ WIP limit 5  Manage Flow ▪ Alternate day stand ups  Make process policies explicit ▪ Business Units understand TA process and WIP concepts  Improve collaboratively ▪ Team works to fulfill the demand ▪ Cycle time a key measure 12/12/201511

12 Daily Stand up Weekly update to BUs Weekly Retrospective 12/12/201512

13  Visual boards for tracking status and progress irrespective of availability of any of the team members  WIP limit helping TA team to avoid stress and focus on couple of items only  Clear expectations with BUs on timelines for their requirements  Improved cycle time resulting in a happy confident team 12/12/201513

14  Currently, the training programs are finalized and budgeted at the beginning of the year  And then it’s only about numbers – how many trained and certified  Applying training knowledge not captured  Right training for right team member – no clue 12/12/201514

15  Visualize workflow  Work with BUs closely to get training requirements every month  Manage Flow  Map the budget with the requests received  Prioritize the requests based on budgets and time available  Improve Collaboratively  Work with BUs and ask them to visualize requirements at least a quarter in advance  Coach BU leaders on alternate trainings available and update on what’s new 12/12/201515

16 BU raises training request every month L&D provides inputs on new trainings L&D finalizes internal / external training Tech talks / events based on COP L&D builds community of practice L&D maintain training records Knowledge Hubs to exchange knowledge Training & Learning streamlined L&D works with TA and other HR teams on Talent Development 12/12/201516

17 Alternate day Stand up Bi-Weekly update to BUs Bi-Weekly Retrospective 12/12/201517

18  Continuous collaboration with BUs  Single stream flow  Continued Learning & Development through CoP  Better budget planning 12/12/201518

19  Employee reward and retain is lot of culture driven  When people are rewarded, it’s far easier to retain them  What motivates people? (based on Daniel Pink’s Drive)  Autonomy  Mastery  Purpose 12/12/201519

20  People manager and scrum leaders are same – this reduces transparency  Too many hierarchical layers – making it complex for people to reach out to leaders  Manager driven performance discussions  Performance discussions once a year  Performance feedback too late for team members to improve and control the damage 12/12/201520

21  Visualize the work flow and simplify  Taking a current picture of how many hierarchical layer  Visualize on simplifying the same  Make Process Policies Explicit  Draft processes and policies and take feedback from the teams before finalizing  Improve Collaboratively  Continuous collaboration to improve until the organization reaches a fairly simple and desired result 12/12/201521

22 Pull requirements from BUs / teams members Prioritize work items based on BU inputs Complete and pilot one set of work Pull new work Gather feedback for previous work item Work on feedback Rollout completed work E.g.: Recreating new roles and responsibilities E.g.: Performance appraisal Collect feedback on R&R 12/12/201522

23  It’s essential that the HR team maps the roles to the agile specific terminologies to bring in a sense of seriousness and accountability in the agile transformation  There are three steps in this:  Defining job description aligning to the agile roles for new hires  Mapping existing job functions to the agile roles so that current roles can be transformed to agile defined roles  Establishing distinctive functional and operational hierarchy for the teams to work on the core Scrum pillar of Transparency 12/12/201523

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27 Lean and Flat structure 12/12/201527

28  It’s important for every organization to provide a career progression for their team member  Career progression can be horizontal and / or vertical depending on the interest of the team member as well as the skill sets required to fulfill the role  Some good practices:  A clear and compelling vision supported by strong leadership role modeling values to create a culture of high trust, openness, responsibility, collaboration and engagement – each Release Train in turn also comes up with their own Program Increment objectives which are aligned to the product and organization vision on which each team commits and works on  Understand and leverage the 70:20:10 learning model by providing just-in-time access to knowledge (10%); environment and tools to support knowledge sharing, strong communities of practices and on-demand coaches (20%) and rich opportunities for continuous, hands-on learning via pairing, job sharing, frequent job rotations, mentors and coaches (70%). 12/12/201528

29 360 ◦ feedback for all roles Frequent discussions between team members and career Early feedback given enough time for team member to improve Career progression discussions based on team member interest 12/12/201529

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31  Recruitment process increased by 30 – 40%  Learning & Development under one umbrella  Easy identification of trainers and trainees  Easier to measure effectiveness of training and outcome  Right training for right team member based on career interests  Lateral movements based on team member interests and skillsets  Increased employee happiness index (used niko niko calendar)  Frequent and timely performance feedback for team members  Reduced attrition  Increased employee engagement  20% improvement in go-to-market time 12/12/201531

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