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Physics 102: Lecture 20 Interference 1.

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1 Physics 102: Lecture 20 Interference 1

2 But first…More on the Eye
Recall the lens formula: Normal eyes Far point =  Near point = 25 cm Nearsightedness Far point dfar <  To correct, produce virtual image of far object d0 =  at the far point (di = dfar)

3 Nearsightedness Far point dfar < 
To correct, produce virtual image of far object d0 =  at the far point (di = dfar) flens = - dfar 1/flens = -1/dfar Example: My prescription reads dipoters flens = -1/6.5 = m = cm (a diverging lens) dfar = 15.4 cm (!)

4 Farsightedness Near point dnear > 25 cm
To correct, produce virtual image of object at d0 = 25 cm to the near point (di = dnear) Example: My near prescription reads +2.5 dipoters flens = +1/2.5 = 0.4 m = 40 cm therefore dnear = 67 cm (with my far correction)

5 Magnifying Glasses Will not cover in class Read on your own
Lecture 19 at the very end Text Ch. 24.4

6 Constructive Interference
Superposition Constructive Interference t +1 -1 + t +1 -1 In Phase t +2 -2 5

7 Destructive Interference
Superposition Destructive Interference +1 t -1 + +1 Out of Phase 180 degrees t -1 t +2 -2 7

8 Superposition ACT + Different f
1) Constructive 2) Destructive 3) Neither 10

9 Interference Requirements
Need two (or more) waves Must have same frequency Must be coherent (i.e. waves must have definite phase relation) 12

10 Interference for Sound …
For example, a pair of speakers, driven in phase, producing a tone of a single f and l: hmmm… I’m just far enough away that l2-l1=l/2, and I hear no sound at all! l1 l2 Demo 440 Sound Interference But this won’t work for light--can’t get coherent sources 15

11 Interference for Light …
Can’t produce coherent light from separate sources. (f  1014 Hz) Need two waves from single source taking two different paths Two slits Reflection (thin films) Diffraction* Single source Two different paths Interference possible here 18

12 ACT: Young’s Double Slit
Light waves from a single source travel through 2 slits before meeting on a screen. The interference will be: Constructive Destructive Depends on L d The rays start in phase, and travel the same distance, so they will arrive in phase. Single source of monochromatic light  L 2 slits-separated by d Screen a distance L from slits 23

13 Preflight 20.1 The experiment is modified so that one of the waves has its phase shifted by ½ l. Now, the interference will be: Constructive Destructive Depends on L ½ l shift d The rays start out of phase, and travel the same distance, so they will arrive out of phase. 60% got this correct Single source of monochromatic light  L 2 slits-separated by d Screen a distance L from slits 25

14 Young’s Double Slit Concept
At points where the difference in path length is 0, l,2l, …, the screen is bright. (constructive) 2 slits-separated by d d At points where the difference in path length is the screen is dark. (destructive) Demo slit Single source of monochromatic light  L Screen a distance L from slits 27

15 Young’s Double Slit Key Idea
Two rays travel almost exactly the same distance. (screen must be very far away: L >> d) Bottom ray travels a little further. Key for interference is this small extra distance. 30

16 Young’s Double Slit Quantitative
Path length difference = d sin q Constructive interference where m = 0, or 1, or 2, ... Destructive interference Need l < d 32

17 Young’s Double Slit Quantitative
A little geometry… sin(q)  tan(q) = y/L Constructive interference Destructive interference where m = 0, or 1, or 2, ... 33

18 Preflight 20.3 L y d When this Young’s double slit experiment is placed under water. The separation y between minima and maxima 1) increases 2) same 3) decreases 21% 23% 53% Under water l decreases so y decreases 35

19 Preflight 20.2 Need: d sin q = m l => sin q = m l / d
In the Young double slit experiment, is it possible to see interference maxima when the distance between slits is smaller than the wavelength of light? 1) Yes 2) No Need: d sin q = m l => sin q = m l / d If l > d then l / d > 1 so sin q > 1 Not possible! 35

20 Thin Film Interference
1 2 n0=1.0 (air) n1 (thin film) t n2 Demo 70 soap film Get two waves by reflection off two different interfaces. Ray 2 travels approximately 2t further than ray 1. 37

21 Reflection + Phase Shifts
Incident wave Reflected wave n1 n2 Upon reflection from a boundary between two transparent materials, the phase of the reflected light may change. If n1 > n2 - no phase change upon reflection. If n1 < n2 - phase change of 180º upon reflection. (equivalent to the wave shifting by l/2.) 39

22 Note: this is wavelength in film! (lfilm= lo/n1)
Thin Film Summary Determine d, number of extra wavelengths for each ray. 1 2 n = 1.0 (air) n1 (thin film) t n2 This is important! Note: this is wavelength in film! (lfilm= lo/n1) Reflection Distance Ray 1: d1 = 0 or ½ + 0 Ray 2: d2 = 0 or ½ + 2 t/ lfilm If |(d2 – d1)| = 0, 1, 2, 3 … (m) constructive If |(d2 – d1)| = ½ , 1 ½, 2 ½ …. (m + ½) destructive 42

23 Thin Film Practice (ACT)
Example 1 2 n = 1.0 (air) nglass = 1.5 t nwater= 1.3 Blue light (lo = 500 nm) incident on a glass (nglass = 1.5) cover slip (t = 167 nm) floating on top of water (nwater = 1.3). Is the interference constructive or destructive or neither? A) d1 = 0 B) d1 = ½ C) d1 = 1 What is d1, the total phase shift for ray 1 45

24 Thin Film Practice Example 1 2 n = 1.0 (air) nglass = 1.5 t
nwater= 1.3 Blue light (lo = 500 nm) incident on a glass (nglass = 1.5) cover slip (t = 167 nm) floating on top of water (nwater = 1.3). Is the interference constructive or destructive or neither? d1 = ½ Reflection at air-film interface only d2 = 0 + 2t / lglass = 2t nglass/ l0= (2)(167)(1.5)/500) =1 Phase shift = d2 – d1 = ½ wavelength 45

25 ACT: Thin Film Blue light l = 500 nm incident on a thin film (t = 167 nm) of glass on top of plastic. The interference is: (A) constructive (B) destructive (C) neither 1 2 n=1 (air) nglass =1.5 t nplastic=1.8 Brian Dvorkin has had good luck with the following presentation. 1) Look for the ½ wavelength shifts on reflection. Then ask for constructive interference what do I need ray 2 to do? (0 or ½ wavelength more?) If choose 0, increase to 1. d1 = ½ Reflection at both interfaces! d2 = ½ + 2t / lglass = ½ + 2t nglass/ l0= ½ + 1 Phase shift = d2 – d1 = 1 wavelength 48

26 Preflights 20.4, 20.5 t = l nwater=1.3 ngas=1.20 nair=1.0 noil=1.45 A thin film of gasoline (ngas=1.20) and a thin film of oil (noil=1.45) are floating on water (nwater=1.33). When the thickness of the two films is exactly one wavelength… The gas looks: bright dark The oil looks: bright dark d1,gas = ½ d2,gas = ½ + 2 d1,oil = ½ d2,oil = 2 | d2,gas – d1,gas | = 2 | d2,oil – d1,oil | = 3/2 constructive destructive 50

27 See you Wednesday!

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