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Health Information Technology Update on the Texas Landscape Presentation to TASSCC’s State of the State Conference Nora Belcher Texas e-Health Alliance.

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Presentation on theme: "Health Information Technology Update on the Texas Landscape Presentation to TASSCC’s State of the State Conference Nora Belcher Texas e-Health Alliance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Health Information Technology Update on the Texas Landscape Presentation to TASSCC’s State of the State Conference Nora Belcher Texas e-Health Alliance December 10, 2010

2 Health Information Technology Overview Background Update on Texas Landscape Legislative Preview Page 2

3 Page 3 Background Planning and Policy Development – Federal Initiated through April 2004 State of the Union address Furthered through the creation of the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology Ongoing federal health IT initiatives  Open, deliberative policy development process (Health IT Policy Committee)  Certification and standardization (Health IT Standards Committee)  Health information exchange pilots (Nationwide Health Information Network)  Privacy & security (Health Information Security and Privacy Collaboration)  New health IT initiatives through the ARRA

4 Page 4 Health IT initiatives created and funded through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA)  Electronic health record incentives (estimated $36-$46 billion)  Health information infrastructure ($2 billion) State grants for HIE planning and implementation Health IT regional extension centers Health IT workforce program Background Planning and Policy Development – Federal

5 Page 5 State HIE Cooperative Agreement Program $28.8 million – HHSC/ Office of e-Health Coordination (OeHC) Medicaid Health IT Plan/EHR Incentive Payment Program $4.5 million planning – HHSC/Medicaid Health IT Regional Extension Centers (REC) $35.7 million – 4 awards Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) $15 million – UT Health Science Center, Houston Beacon Community Program 8 Texas applicants, 0 awards Health IT Workforce Grants $5.4 million – Texas State University, San Marcos Texas Landscape: State Funding and Projects

6 Page 6 ONC award: Strategic Health IT Advanced Research Projects (SHARP) for research on barriers to EHR adoption: UTHSC- Houston, $15M ONC award: Program of Assistance for University- Based Training to increase availability of HIT professionals: Texas State University, $5.4m Funded by ONC to offer technical assistance, guidance & information on best practices to support & accelerate efforts to become meaningful users of EHRs CentrEast REC (TAMU): $5.3m North TX REC (DFW Hospital Council): $8.5m West TX HIT REC (Texas Tech): $6.7m Gulf Coast REC (UTHSC): $15.2m Develop & implement a state plan for HIE Support the development of local & regional HIE Foster the development of HIT policy for the state $28.8m planning & implementation funds through ONC via MOU with HHSC Pass through Medicaid incentive funds: up to $2b through 2019 Develop & implement a Medicaid HIE (HB 1218) Pass through planning and implementation funds to THSA HHSC Texas Health Services Authority (THSA) Universities & Community Colleges Regional Extension Centers (HITRECs)

7 Texas Health Services Authority State plan approved in November 2010 Established a Collaboration Council and a number of working groups on specific topics Moving into procurement phase: Local HIE RFA White Space RFA State Level Services THSA undergoes Sunset in 2013 Page 7

8 Page 8 Texas Legislative Activity Increasing interest in health IT in the Texas Legislature – Before 2005 – 0 health IT bills filed – 2005 – 1 health IT bill filed – 2007 – 6 health IT bills filed – 2009 – 30 health IT bills filed 81 st Regular Legislative Session (2009 ) – Health passport expansion – Electronic prescribing (also LBB report) – Medicaid-based HIE

9 Page 9 Texas Legislative Issues Privacy and Security Regulation Telemedicine and Telehealth Scope of Practice Medicaid Managed Care Expansion Federal Health Care Reform – Health Insurance Exchange

10 Page 10 Future Activities The Texas path forward  State HIE planning and implementation grant  THSA and workgroups  Clear role for local HIEs  State Medicaid Health IT Plan development and implementation Other, Ongoing Texas state-level projects  Office of e-Health Coordination  Medicaid HIE Initiative Private-sector developments  Regional initiatives  Stakeholders (employers, payers, etc.)

11 What Does It Mean For You? Major open questions – Funding/sustainability – Achieving population and geographic coverage – network topology – Patient involvement in HIE – consent? How much? – Provider liability Impact on state agencies – Direct impact – Indirect impact Page 11

12 Page 12 Helpful Links px

13 Questions? Nora Belcher Executive Director Texas e-Health Alliance (512) 536-1340 Page 13

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