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Rules: Two teams Answers MUST be stated in the form of a question. Answer must be given before music stops playing (10 seconds) One spokesperson per.

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3 Rules: Two teams Answers MUST be stated in the form of a question. Answer must be given before music stops playing (10 seconds) One spokesperson per team. Someone to keep track of points. Most difficult answers are worth more points.

4 Social Patterns Areas of Development Types of Play 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400 100 200 300 400

5 Social Patterns - 100 The child will watch other children play - does not become actively involved.

6 Social Patterns - 200 This play requires organization. The child is part of a group activity. Roles may be assigned. There are usually leaders and followers in this play.

7 Social Patterns - 300 The children play beside each other, but there is no actual interaction. The toys may be similar.

8 Social Patterns - 400 The child plays alone. He/she is involved in a personal activity. They are entertaining themselves.

9 ONLOOKER Social Patterns - 100 Answer

10 Social Patterns - 200 Answer COOPERATIVE PLAY

11 Social Patterns - 300 Answer PARALLEL PLAY

12 Social Patterns - 400 Answer SOLITARY PLAY

13 Areas/Development - 100 Play teaches children the type of behavior that is acceptable. Goal is to get along with other people and to learn to cooperate and share.

14 Areas/Development - 200 Play teaches children how things work. They learn to reason, solve problems and practice new mental skills.

15 Areas/Development - 300 Children learn how to handle their feelings and fears through play.

16 Areas/Development - 400 Play in this are will develop small and large muscles and increase speed, strength and coordination.

17 Areas/Development - 100 Answer SOCIAL DEVELOPMENT

18 Areas/Development - 200 Answer INTELLECTUAL DEVELOPMENT

19 Areas/Development– 300 Answer EMOTIONAL DEVELOPMENT

20 Areas/Development– 400 Answer PHYSICAL DEVELOPMENT

21 Types of Play - 100 Playing and interacting with others and/or objects. Activities may include looking at a book, puzzles, building with blocks, coloring or painting.

22 Types of Play - 200 The child is involved in imaginative situations. The child can express him/her self in a different role.

23 Types of Play - 300 A child playing in sand, mud, water, play dough, saw dust, corn meal, ooblick or any type of textural media.

24 Types of Play - 400 Play where a child learns and practices a new skill. By repeating the activity, the child will master the activity. Examples: riding a bike, skating, puzzles, games, etc.

25 Types of Play - 100 Answer ACTIVE PLAY

26 Policies… 200 - Answer DRAMATIC PLAY

27 Policies 300 - Answer SENSORY MOTOR PLAY

28 Category 3 400 - Answer SKILL MASTERY PLAY

29 Final Jeopardy Category QUOTE

30 Final Jeopardy Play is a child’s _________

31 Final Jeopardy - Answer What is: WORK




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