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Attempt to escape, Karin Kuhlmann Aesthetic s Colour Shape Size Proportion Pattern Textur e Form Symmetry.

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2 Attempt to escape, Karin Kuhlmann Aesthetic s

3 Colour Shape Size Proportion Pattern Textur e Form Symmetry

4 P PP S S S P P P T T TT T T T T T Colour Wheel P : Primary Colours S : Secondary Colours T : Tertiary Colours (A mix of a two primary colours) (A mix of a primary colour and a secondary colour)

5 Complementary Colours Complementary Colours are colours that are far apart or opposite on the colour wheel Complementary colours are said to contrast

6 Harmonious Colours Harmonious Colours are colours that are close on the colour wheel Harmonious colours are much easier on the eye

7 Warm Colours Colours like red, orange, yellow are considered to be warm colours. Warm colours are also known as advancing colours. Painting a room orange or red may make it feel much warmer but will also give the impression that the room is smaller.

8 Cool Colours Colours like blue, green & violet considered cold colours. Cold colours are also known as receding colours. Painting a room blue or green will make it feel cooler and bigger.

9 Shape Shape is normally considered 2 dimensional Shapes can be described as Geometric, Natural, Organic, Symmetrical….

10 Size Size can be described as tall, long, short, wide, narrow, small etc

11 Proportion Objects can be well proportioned or out of proportion.

12 Proportion THE GOLDEN MEAN or GOLDEN SECTION The 'Golden Mean' a mathematical ratio usually discerned as the ratio of the larger side of a rectangle as it relates to the shorter. Derived by the ancient Greeks it can be constructed geometrically or expressed as a simple ratio, namely 1:1618 Both the ancient Greeks and the ancient Egyptians used the Golden Mean when designing their buildings and monuments. The builders of Paestum used the Golden Mean in their temples. Artists like Leonardo da Vinci and George Seurat used the ratio when constructing their paintings.

13 Drawing a Golden Mean Rectangle

14 Pattern Patterns can be natural, geometric, symmetrical They can repeat, rotate or tessellate…….

15 Pattern One of the most famous users of patterns was M C Escher His drawings often included a modified version of a tessellated pattern.

16 Texture Textures can affect the appearance of a object by changing the way light is reflected. Textures can be natural, man made, rough smooth….

17 Form Form considered 3 dimensional Form can be described as Geometric, Natural, Organic, Symmetrical….

18 Symmetry Objects can be show both linier and rotational symmetry or even asymmetrical

19 Asymmetr y This Tea Pot, while not full symmetrical would be described as Asymmetric because the spout and handle tend to balance each other,

20 Attempt to escape, Karin Kuhlmann The End

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