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Strategic Plan Healthy Communities PK-20 Educational Council.

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Presentation on theme: "Strategic Plan Healthy Communities PK-20 Educational Council."— Presentation transcript:

1 Strategic Plan Healthy Communities PK-20 Educational Council

2 In Northwest Missouri- We Believe There is a shared accountability of individuals, families, business/industry, organizations and educators, which is central to a healthy thriving community. A crisis is at hand and all resources must combine to address opportunities collectively. We have the resources and talents to grow and prosper. That optimal education is lifelong, unique to the individual, well rounded and enables all to reach their full potential. In order to achieve our mission our teachers need to have real life experiences.

3 Mission statement The mission of the Preschool-20 Educational Council is to promote healthier, more livable communities through connecting a diverse partnership committing to, advocating for, and achieving optimal educational outcomes and ensuring a prepared workforce now and in the future.

4 Council Parameters The Council will display : 1.Integrity, Accountability, and Ethical Conduct 2.Diversity and Inclusiveness 3.Community, Regional, and National Partnerships 4.Innovation 5.Possibility Thinking 6. Asset Building 7. Empowerment

5 Council Objectives Facilitate the development of an educational system that meets community and business needs. Create a regional culture that fosters continuous, lifelong learning that leads to individual and organizational adaptability. Improve access to and utilization of educational resources for northwest Missouri’s individuals, families, and businesses.

6 Objective 1 Strategies Objective 1 Strategy 1- Facilitate/promote partnerships between business, industry, and education. Objective 1 Strategy 2-Promote alignment within the P-20 system of education by removing barriers. Objective 1 Strategy 3- Promote alignment of community, education, and workforce resources. Objective 1 Strategy 4- Inform elected officials and state leadership about our activities.

7 Objective 2 Strategies Objective 2 Strategy 1- Tell a compelling story by developing and distributing collateral material. Objective 2 Strategy 2-Identify existing projects and networks that can connect conversations. Objective 2 Strategy 3- Identify successful regional stories and replicate them.

8 Objective 3 Strategies Objective 3 Strategy 1-Develop mentoring opportunities for: Schools to Families, Student to Student, and Businesses to Students. Objective 3 Strategy 2- Review current curriculum in P-20 system and its relevance with emphasis on economic education for K-8, Night classes and other flexible course schedules, virtual schools, and various state scholars programs. Objective 3 Strategy 3- Develop extensive exposure to careers through fairs, business coops, and stronger partnerships between business and counselors. Objective 3 Strategy 4- Production of an inventory of career programs, scholarships, and potential barriers to access.

9 Action Plans A detailed description of the specific actions required to achieve specific results necessary to implement the strategies. Step by step directions, time lines, assignments of responsibilities, and cost- benefit analysis.

10 Strategies to Address FY 08 – Action plans Strategies to Address FY 09 – Action plans Strategies to Address FY 10 – Action plans

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