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“The Holy One of Israel”

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1 “The Holy One of Israel”
The Book of Isaiah “The Holy One of Israel”

2 Introduction to Isaiah
Isaiah is mentioned 52 times in the Bible Isaiah means “Yahweh is salvation” (an excellent summary of the book) Isaiah is one of five “Major Prophets” (Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, Ezekiel, Daniel)

3 Isaiah the Man and the Prophet
“my servant Isaiah…” (20:3) 1:1 Worked in ungodly times. 6:5 Humble. 6:8 Sacrificial – “Here am I, send me.” 7:3 Faced unbelievers. 8:1-4 Married with children. 8:11-13, Feared the Lord, not the people. Waited patiently for the Lord. 20:2-3 Did what the Lord told him to do.

4 Isaiah the Man and the Prophet
“my servant Isaiah…” (20:3) 8:11-13, Feared the Lord, not the people. Waited patiently for the Lord. 20:2-3 Did what the Lord told him to do. 37:5-6 Encouraged Hezekiah to trust in the Lord.

5 Isaiah Outlined Isaiah 1-35 Isaiah 36-39 Isaiah 40-65
Condemnation of the past History in the present Comfort for the future Prophecies against Judah (1-12) Prophecies against other nations (13-23) Prophecies of judgment (24-35) The salvation and sickness of Hezekiah (36-39) Prophecies of coming delivery (40-48) Prophecies of the divine deliverer (49-57) Prophecies of the glorious deliverance (58-66)

6 Introduction to Isaiah
Isaiah in the OT… 2 Kings 19:2, 5, 6, 20; 20:1, 4, 7-9, 11, 14, 16, 19 2 Chronicles 26:22; 32:20, 32 Isaiah 1:1; 2:1; 7:3; 13:1; 20:2, 3; 37:2, 5-6, 21; 38:1, 4, 21; 39:5, 8

7 Introduction to Isaiah
Isaiah in the NT… Matthew 3:3; 4:14; 8:17; 12:17; 13:14; 15:7 Mark 1:2; 7:6 Luke 3:4; 4:17 John 1:23; 12:38, 39, 41 Acts 8:28, 30; 28:25 Romans 9:27, 29; 10:16, 20; 15:12

8 Isaiah in the New Testament
NT Quotation Application 1:9 Rom. 9:29 A Jewish remnant in the church 6:9-10 Mt. 13:14-15; Jn. 12:40; Acts 28:26-27 Jews refusing to hear Jesus and the NT gospel 7:14 Mt. 1:23 Jesus born of the virgin Mary 8:12-13 1 Pet. 3:14-15 (referenced) Do not fear, sanctify the Lord

9 Themes in Isaiah Theme References Holy One of Israel
1:4; 5:19, 24; 10:20; 12:6; 17:7; 29:19; 30:11-12, 15; 31:1; 37:23; 41:14, 16, 20; 43:3, 14; 45:11; 47:4; 48:17; 49:7; 54:5; 55:5; 60:9, 14 Remnant of Israel 1:9; 10:19-22; 11:11, 16; 14:22, 30; 15:9; 16:14; 17:3; 37:4, 31, 32; 46:3

10 The Sins of God’s People
Reference Rebellion, corruption, forsaking the Lord 1:2-6 Hypocritical worship, bloodshed, evil 1:10-17 Murder, rebellious, thieves, bribery, forsaking the fatherless & widow 1:21-23 Idolatry 1:28-29

11 Isaiah 1 1:1 – An introductory statement. Isaiah sees a vision (prophecy) concerning Judah and Jerusalem in the days of… Uzziah – also called Azariah ( B.C., K. 15:1-7; 2 Chron. 26) Jotham ( B.C., 2 K. 15:32-38; 2 Chron. 27) Ahaz ( B.C., 2 K. 16:1-20; 2 Chron. 28) Hezekiah ( B.C, 2 K. 18:1-20:21; Chron )

12 The Days of Isaiah King Judah Israel Assyria 792-740 B.C.
Uzziah (Azariah) did right followed his father sought God became strong, proud and sinned smote with leprosy high places not taken away sacrificed to idols made war with Philistines building projects kings did evil Israel sins conspiracy in leadership, kings assassinated open rebellion Pul King of Assyria came against Israel, tribute paid to him Tiglathpileser King of Assyria took northern Israel captive

13 The Days of Isaiah King Judah Israel Assyria 750-732 B.C. Jotham
did right followed his father mighty fought with Ammonites building projects high places not taken away people still sacrificed to idols people did corruptly Israel (Pekah) and Syria (Rezin) attack Jerusalem

14 The Days of Isaiah King Judah Israel Assyria 735-716 B.C. Ahaz
did not right walked in the ways of the kings of Israel child sacrifice and idolatry worship influenced by Assyria besieged by Syria (Rezin) and Israel (Pekah) captives taken many killed because they had forsaken God brought low disobedient the Lord removed Israel to Assyria Samaria is conquered by Shalmaneser King of Assyria Ahaz paid tribute to Tiglath- pilseser king of Assyria for help against Syria, Israel, Edom, and Philistia

15 The Days of Isaiah King Judah Israel Assyria
B.C. Hezekiah did right removed the idolatry trusted the Lord numerous reforms prays to the Lord when attacked and when sick showed the Babylonians his treasures invaded by Sennacherib King of Assyria the city is defended by the Lord 185,000 Assyrian soldiers killed already gone into captivity in Assyria Sennacherib besieges Jerusalem returns home defeated and then later assassinated

16 God’s People: The Real & The Ideal
The Real (Unclean) The Ideal (Clean) Rebellious and disobedient 1:2-31; 2:5-22 The coming kingdom 2:1-4 Speak and do things against the Lord 3:1-4:1 Beautiful and glorious 4:2-6 Unfruitful vineyard, woes pronounced 5:1-22 Holy God, Isaiah is made clean, holy seed 6:1-13 Fearful and unbelieving 7:1 - 8:22; 9:8-21 Light and joy because a child is born 9:1-7 Punished by Assyria :1-34 A day of peace and thanksgiving 11:1 – 12:6

17 Isaiah 1 1:2-9 God’s children are described as rebellious, sinful, and spiritually sick. Their country and city (Jerusalem) would be devoured by strangers. A very small remnant, however, would be left (quoted in Romans 9:29). 1:10-17 The rulers and the people are rebuked for their hypocritical, formalistic worship. They are encouraged to be made clean; to stop the evil and do the good.

18 Isaiah 1 1:18-20 God’s people are invited to be forgiven of their sins. They need to obey. If they refuse and rebel, they will be devoured. 1:21-23 The faithful city (Jerusalem) that was once righteous, is now wicked like a harlot. 1:24-31 The Lord will take the wickedness away from Jerusalem and restore righteousness in it. Sinners and idolaters will be destroyed.

19 God’s People: The Real & The Ideal
The Real (Unclean) The Ideal (Clean) Rebellious and disobedient 1:2-31; 2:5-22 The coming kingdom 2:1-4 Speak and do things against the Lord 3:1-4:1 Beautiful and glorious 4:2-6 Unfruitful vineyard, woes pronounced 5:1-22 Holy God, Isaiah is made clean, holy seed 6:1-13 Fearful and unbelieving 7:1 - 8:22; 9:8-21 Light and joy because a child is born 9:1-7 Punished by Assyria :1-34 A day of peace and thanksgiving 11:1 – 12:6

20 Isaiah 2 2:1 An introductory statement similar to 1:1 (note “the vision” 1:1 = “the word” 2:1). 2:2-4 The Lord’s house will be established (1) in the latter days and (2) its authority will be over all other things. (3) All nations will be invited to be a part of it. (4) They will be taught the Lord’s law/word and live by it. (5) The law/word will come from Zion/Jerusalem. (6) Nations will be judged by the Lord’s law/word and (7) they will live in peace without war.

21 The Lord’s House Established Isaiah 2:2-4
Characteristics Fulfillment NT Reference 1. Latter Days Messianic period Heb. 1:1-2 2. Mountain Jesus’ authority Eph. 1:20-23 3. All nations Jews & Gentiles Rev. 5:9-10 4. Teach & walk in the law-word NT gospel-law taught Jas. 1:25 5. Zion/Jerusalem Pentecost Lk. 2:44-47; Acts 2 6. Nations judged NT standard Jn. 16:7-13 7. No more war Peace in the church/house of God (1 Tim. 3:15) Eph. 2:15-17

22 Isaiah 2 2:5-11 God’s people are invited to walk in the light of the Lord. They are filled with worldliness, materialism, idolatry, and pride. 2:12-22 The proud and haughty are brought down and judged when the Lord is exalted. The idolaters are brought down and judged when the Lord shakes the earth. God’s people are encouraged to stop trusting in man.

23 God’s People: The Real & The Ideal
The Real (Unclean) The Ideal (Clean) Rebellious and disobedient 1:2-31; 2:5-22 The coming kingdom 2:1-4 Speak and do things against the Lord 3:1-4:1 Beautiful and glorious 4:2-6 Unfruitful vineyard, woes pronounced 5:1-22 Holy God, Isaiah is made clean, holy seed 6:1-13 Fearful and unbelieving 7:1 - 8:22; 9:8-21 Light and joy because a child is born 9:1-7 Punished by Assyria :1-34 A day of peace and thanksgiving 11:1 – 12:6

24 Isaiah 3 3:1-12 The Lord takes away from Jerusalem and Judah, bread, water, and its wise leaders. Incompetent and unruly people take their place. God’s people say and do things against the Lord and sin in the open. The leaders cause the people to err. 3:13-15 The Lord stands in judgment against the elders and princes because they have oppressed the people.

25 Isaiah 3 3:16 – 4:1 The daughters of the Zion are haughty. They parade themselves in nice clothes. The Lord brings judgment upon them and gives them branding instead of beauty. The men fall in war and the women long to be married to the few men that are left.

26 God’s People: The Real & The Ideal
The Real (Unclean) The Ideal (Clean) Rebellious and disobedient 1:2-31; 2:5-22 The coming kingdom 2:1-4 Speak and do things against the Lord 3:1-4:1 Beautiful and glorious 4:2-6 Unfruitful vineyard, woes pronounced 5:1-22 Holy God, Isaiah is made clean, holy seed 6:1-13 Fearful and unbelieving 7:1 - 8:22; 9:8-21 Light and joy because a child is born 9:1-7 Punished by Assyria :1-34 A day of peace and thanksgiving 11:1 – 12:6

27 Isaiah 4 4:2-6 Jerusalem is a beautiful place for God’s people after the coming judgment and after the Lord washes away her filth and blood. The Lord covers Jerusalem with his protection.

28 God’s People: The Real & The Ideal
The Real (Unclean) The Ideal (Clean) Rebellious and disobedient 1:2-31; 2:5-22 The coming kingdom 2:1-4 Speak and do things against the Lord 3:1-4:1 Beautiful and glorious 4:2-6 Unfruitful vineyard, woes pronounced 5:1-22 Holy God, Isaiah is made clean, holy seed 6:1-13 Fearful and unbelieving 7:1 - 8:22; 9:8-21 Light and joy because a child is born 9:1-7 Punished by Assyria :1-34 A day of peace and thanksgiving 11:1 – 12:6

29 Isaiah 5 5:1-2 Jerusalem and Judah are like a vineyard that the Lord has given tender care. 5:3-7 The Lord looks for his vineyard (his people) to bear good fruit. They bear wild grapes instead and so the Lord allows his vineyard to be trodden down. The Lord wants his people to bear the fruit of justice and righteousness, but all they bear is oppression and a cry.

30 Isaiah 5 5:8-12 Isaiah pronounces two of six “woes” in these verses. First, the Lord’s people are greedy and covetous. Second, they are drunk and worldly. They do not regard the Lord’s work. 5:13-17 The Lord’s people go into captivity and to the grave because they lack knowledge of God’s word. These sinful people are brought down while the Lord is exalted in justice and righteousness.

31 Isaiah 5 5:18-23 Isaiah pronounces the last four of six “woes” in these verses. The Lord’s people are full of sin. They call evil good and good evil. They are wise in their own eyes. They justify the wicked and remove righteousness. 5:24-25 The Lord is angry with his people and he stretches out his hand in judgment against them because they have rejected his law.

32 Isaiah 5 5:26-30 The Lord calls other nations (like Assyria and Babylon) to bring judgment upon his people.

33 God’s People: The Real & The Ideal
The Real (Unclean) The Ideal (Clean) Rebellious and disobedient 1:2-31; 2:5-22 The coming kingdom 2:1-4 Speak and do things against the Lord 3:1-4:1 Beautiful and glorious 4:2-6 Unfruitful vineyard, woes pronounced 5:1-22 Holy God, Isaiah is made clean, holy seed 6:1-13 Fearful and unbelieving 7:1 - 8:22; 9:8-21 Light and joy because a child is born 9:1-7 Punished by Assyria :1-34 A day of peace and thanksgiving 11:1 – 12:6

34 Isaiah 6 6:1-5 In the year that King Uzziah dies (740 B.C.), Isaiah sees an awesome vision of the Lord sitting on his throne in his temple. He is undone and confesses that he is unclean in the midst of a holy God. 6:6-13 One of the seraphim is sent to cleanse Isaiah. He is now ready to carry out the work that the Lord has for him: to preach to an unbelieving people until the captivity comes (quoted in Mt. 13:14-15; Jn. 12:40; Acts 28:26-27).

35 Isaiah 6 6:6-13 A “holy seed” (remnant) will remain afterward.

36 God’s People: The Real & The Ideal
The Real (Unclean) The Ideal (Clean) Rebellious and disobedient 1:2-31; 2:5-22 The coming kingdom 2:1-4 Speak and do things against the Lord 3:1-4:1 Beautiful and glorious 4:2-6 Unfruitful vineyard, woes pronounced 5:1-22 Holy God, Isaiah is made clean, holy seed 6:1-13 Fearful and unbelieving 7:1 - 8:22; 9:8-21 Light and joy because a child is born 9:1-7 Punished by Assyria :1-34 A day of peace and thanksgiving 11:1 – 12:6

37 The Syria and Israel Confederacy Against Ahaz
Isaiah 7 Background The Syria and Israel Confederacy Against Ahaz 2 Kings 15:37 The Lord sends Syria (Rezin) and Israel (Pekah) against Judah (compare 2 Chron. 24:23-24) 2 Kings 16:5 (2 Chron. 28:5-15) Syria and Israel come up to Jerusalem and beseige Ahaz; many are led away captive by Syria and many are slain by Israel; the reason is given: Judah has forsaken the Lord; captives from Judah are returned because of Obed the prophet 2 Kings 16:7-9 (2 Chron. 28:16-25) Ahaz sends messengers to Tiglathpileser for help; Tiglath takes Damascus and slays Rezin; Tiglath does not help Ahaz; Ahaz sins more against the Lord with idolatry

38 Assyria in the Time of Isaiah

39 Assyrian Invasions of Palestine

40 Assyrian Kings in Isaiah’s Day
Shalmaneser III ( B.C.) Shamshi-Adad V ( B.C.) Adad-Nirari III ( B.C.) Shalmaneser IV ( B.C.) Ashur-dan III ( B.C.) Ashur-Nirari V ( B.C.) Tiglath-pileser III ( B.C.) Shalmaneser V ( B.C.) Sargon II ( B.C.) Sennacherib ( B.C.) Esarhaddon ( B.C.) Ashurbanipal ( B.C.) Ashur-eti-ilani ( B.C.) Sin-shum-lishir ( B.C.) Sin-shar-ishkum ( B.C.) Ashur-uballit ( B.C.) Time of Isaiah

41 Isaiah 7 7:1-2 Rezin (Syria) and Pekah (Israel) go to Jerusalem to war against Ahaz. The heart of Ahaz and the people of Judah tremble with fear. 7:3-9 Isaiah is told by the Lord to go meet Ahaz and tell him not to fear. The plans of Syria and Israel against Judah will not come to pass. Israel will be broken in pieces over a period of 65 years. Ahaz is also encouraged to believe the Lord.

42 Isaiah 7 7:10-17 Ahaz does not ask for a sign which shows that he does not believe the Lord. Therefore, the Lord gives a sign to all of the “house of David” – the sign of the coming Immanuel (quoted in Mt. 1:23). In the time of the youthful childhood of Immanuel, the land of Syria and Israel will be forsaken because of the King of Assyria.

43 Isaiah 7 7:18-20 Assyria will be used by the Lord to accomplish judgment against Syria and Israel. 7:21-25 The Assyrian invasion of Syria and Israel will cause the land to be left desolate. The vineyards of the land are removed, only the animals remain.

44 Isaiah 8 8:1-4 Isaiah has a son with his wife. He is told to name his newborn son “Mahershalalhashbaz”, meaning “the spoil speeds, the prey hastens”. His name represents the spoil of Samaria that is taken away to Assyria. 8:5-8 The coming Assyrian invasion will not stop at Syria and Israel, but will extend down to Judah, the land of Immanuel.

45 Isaiah 8 8:9-15 The counsels of mankind are broken, but the Lord’s word is accomplished because “God is with us”. Isaiah is told not to fear the people who accuse him of conspiracy, but fear the Lord and sanctify him (referenced in 1 Pet. 3:14-15). The Lord is a sanctuary to those who believe him, but a stone of stumbling to those who do not (quoted in 1 Pet. 2:8).

46 Isaiah 8 8:16-18 Isaiah binds up the Lord’s word and waits patiently for the Lord to fulfill his plans. He knows that he and his children are given for signs in Israel. 8:19-22 The Lord’s people are to seek God and his law, not the false words of men. When the Lord’s people refuse his word, there is only distress and darkness for them.

47 God’s People: The Real & The Ideal
The Real (Unclean) The Ideal (Clean) Rebellious and disobedient 1:2-6, 10-17, 21-31; 2:5-22 The coming kingdom 2:1-4 Speak and do things against the Lord 3:1-4:1 Beautiful and glorious 4:2-6 Unfruitful vineyard, woes pronounced 5:1-22 Holy God, Isaiah is made clean, holy seed 6:1-13 Fearful and unbelieving 7:1 - 8:22; 9:8-21 Light and joy because a child is born 9:1-7 Punished by Assyria :1-34 A day of peace and thanksgiving 11:1 – 12:6

48 Isaiah 9 9:1-5 Darkness is followed by light. In the latter days, the land of Zebulun and Naphtali experience glory, light, multiplying, joy, and freedom. 9:6-7 A child is promised and carries the Lord’s government on his shoulders. He is called by divine names. He rules his kingdom with peace, justice, and righteousness.

49 Messianic Prophecy of Isaiah 9:1-7
OT Prophecy 1. Glory (v.1) 2. Light (v.2) 3. Joy (v.3) 4. Relief (vv.4-5) 5. Rule (v.6) 6. Divine Character (v.6) 7. Eternal Kingdom (v.7) 8. Just and Right (v.7) NT Fulfillment John 1:14 Matthew 4:15-16 Luke 2:10; Matthew 2:10 John 8:31-36 Matthew 28:18 John 1:1,14 Luke 1:32-33 John 5:30

50 The Jesus of Isaiah Is the Jesus of Today
We have the glory of Christ (Gal. 6:14) We have the light of the gospel (Ac. 13:47-49; 26:23; 2 Cor. 4:4-6; 2 Tim. 1:10) We have joy of salvation (Lk. 2:10; Acts 8:8,39) We have relief from the yoke of sin (Mt. 11:28- 30; Jn. 8:32-34; Gal. 4:8-9; 5:1)

51 The Jesus of Isaiah Is the Jesus of Today
We have a ruler, a head, Jesus Christ (Eph. 1:21-22) We have a divine character (Col. 1:15; 2:8-10; 2 Pet. 1:3-4) We have an eternal kingdom (Heb. 12:28) We have to practice justice and righteousness (Matt. 23:23)

52 Isaiah 9 9:8-12 The Lord brings adversaries and enemies against Israel because of her pride. His anger is against Israel. 9:13-17 Israel does not turn to the Lord, so he cuts off the leaders who lead Israel into error. His anger is against Israel. 9:18-21 The Lord burns Israel because of her wickedness. His anger is against Israel.

53 Isaiah 10 10:1-4 All the unrighteous, perverse, and unjust people are brought down by the Lord. His anger is against Israel. 10:5-11 The Lord uses Assyria like an instrument to punish his people and carry them away. However, Assyria becomes proud in her conquest of other nations. 10:12-19 The Lord punishes Assyria for her pride.

54 Isaiah 10 10:20-22 There will be a remnant of Israel and Judah who lean upon the Lord. There will be a remnant in the midst of the destruction. 10:24-27 The same divine indignation that is against Israel/Judah will be against Assyria one day. 10:28-34 Assyria comes into Palestine now but one day the Lord will cut her down.

55 God’s People: The Real & The Ideal
The Real (Unclean) The Ideal (Clean) Rebellious and disobedient 1:2-6, 10-17, 21-31; 2:5-22 The coming kingdom 2:1-4 Speak and do things against the Lord 3:1-4:1 Beautiful and glorious 4:2-6 Unfruitful vineyard, woes pronounced 5:1-22 Holy God, Isaiah is made clean, holy seed 6:1-13 Fearful and unbelieving 7:1 - 8:22; 9:8-21 Light and joy because a child is born 9:1-7 Punished by Assyria :1-34 A day of peace and thanksgiving 11:1 – 12:6

56 Isaiah 11 11:1-5 11:6-10

57 Messianic Prophecy of Isaiah 11:1-10
OT Prophecy 1. Stock of Jesse (v.1) 2. Spirit anointing (v.2) 3. Fear of the Lord (v.3) 4. Justice (v.4) 5. Rule (v.4) 6. Righteous (v.5) 7. Peace (v.6-9) 8. Knowledge (v.9) 9. Remnant (v.10) NT Fulfillment Acts 13:23 John 1:32-34; 3:34 Jn. 4:34; Heb. 5:7 John 2:24-25; 5:30 Revelation 12:5; 19:5 Revelation 19:11 Ephesians 2:16-17 Mark 16:15 Romans 9:27; 15:12

58 Isaiah 11:1-10 Jesus the Messiah
Our savior is the son of David (2 Tim. 2:8; Rev. 22:16) Our wisdom is found in Christ (Col. 2:3) Our fear is in the Lord (2 Cor. 7:1; 1 Pet. 2:17; Rev. 14:7; 19:5) Our judgment and decisions are based upon God’s word (Jn. 7:24)

59 Isaiah 11:1-10 Jesus the Messiah
Our ruler is Christ in our hearts (Rev. 1:5; Col. 3:15). Note: Christ also rules through elders (1 Tim. 5:17; Heb. 13:7,17,24) Our righteousness comes from the gospel (Rom. 1:16-17; 2 Cor. 6:14; Eph. 6:14) Our peace is in Christ (Rom. 12:18; 14:17,19; 2 Cor. 13:11; Eph. 2:16-17; Col. 3:15; Phil. 4:7,9; 1 Thess. 5:13)

60 Isaiah 11:1-10 Jesus the Messiah
Our knowledge comes from God’s word (Matt. 28:19-20; Rom. 10:2; Col. 1:9-10; Tim. 2:4; 4:13; 2 Pet. 3:18) Our ensign is Jesus Christ for all people (Jn. 3:14-15; 12:32-33)

61 Isaiah 11 11:11-16 The

62 Isaiah 12 12:1-6 The Lord’s people will thank the Lord when his anger is turned away and he saves the people. The Lord is strength, a song, and salvation to the people. The people have joy, give thanks, call upon the Lord, declare the Lord to others, sing, and shout. Great is the Holy One of Israel!

63 Isaiah and Jesus ( John 12:41 )
He Saw His Glory and He Spake of Him 7:14 Born of a virgin and called Immanuel (God with us) 9:6-7 The government of the Lord will be upon his shoulders; called Wonder Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace; he sits on the throne of David ruling over his kingdom in peace, justice, and righteousness for ever. 11:1-10 He will be a shoot and root out of Jesse. The Spirit of the Lord will be upon him; he will fear the Lord; he will judge righteously; he will rule over the wicked; there will be peace in his days; the nations will seek him.

64 Themes in Isaiah Theme References Holy One of Israel
1:4; 5:19, 24; 10:20; 12:6; 17:7; 29:19; 30:11-12, 15; 31:1; 37:23; 41:14, 16, 20; 43:3, 14; 45:11; 47:4; 48:17; 49:7; 54:5; 55:5; 60:9, 14 Remnant of Israel 1:9; 10:19-22; 11:11, 16; 14:22, 30; 15:9; 16:14; 17:3; 37:4, 31, 32; 46:3

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