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Assessment at City Tech April 17, 2015 Living Lab Associate Seminar Susan Nilsen-Kupsch RDH MPA.

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Presentation on theme: "Assessment at City Tech April 17, 2015 Living Lab Associate Seminar Susan Nilsen-Kupsch RDH MPA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Assessment at City Tech April 17, 2015 Living Lab Associate Seminar Susan Nilsen-Kupsch RDH MPA

2 Why Assess? 0 To determine whether we are meeting stated learning objectives 0 To improve learning 0 To increase retention

3 Who should be involved? 0 ALL faculty; full and adjunct should be included in the process 0 The goal 0 Have assessment an integral part of how faculty think about teaching

4 From the beginning Assessment committee formed 2009 Critical Course Assessment (ongoing) Program Level Assessment General Education Assessment

5 Program Level Assessment 0 Curriculum Mapping 0 Process for collecting and recording data that identifies 0 core skills 0 content taught 0 assessment method

6 Program Level Assessment

7 Where is Gen Ed?

8 General Education Assessment Learning outcomes identified and adopted by College Council in 2013

9 Civic Engagement Creative ThinkingCritical Thinking Ethical Reasoning Lifelong Learning Information Literacy Inquiry and Analysis Integrative Learning Intercultural Knowledge and Competence Oral Communication Quantitative Literacy Reading Scientific Reasoning Teamwork Writing 15 General Education competencies aligned with the Gen. Ed Learning outcomes

10 Currently in process… 0 Developing a strategic plan for Gen Ed assessment 0 On a 3-year cycle 5 each year

11 Issues 0 How to incorporate the results of assessment ?

12 AIR website

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