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Published byRodger Joseph Modified over 9 years ago
Assessing Local Church – Community Spring 2016
Assessing Local Church/Community This term, the formally assessed theme is the CHURCH THEME – Local Church / Community We will be formally assessing AT1 (i). The children may be informally assessed against the other strands. Each year group will assess from an activity taken or adapted from a Learning Focus in Reveal. The activities are listed over the next few slides. When planning please leave this task out. Please teach all of ‘Explore’, ‘Reveal’ (but not the task you will use for the formal assessment) then, after ‘Remember’, please formally assess using the activities indicated. This enables the children to have had opportunity to work through the topic in full to inform their assessment.
(i) beliefs, teachings and sources ii) celebration and ritual iii) social and moral practices and way of life i) engagement with own and others’ beliefs and values ii) engagement with questions of meaning and purpose CHURCH THEMESACRAMENTAL THEME CHRISTIAN LIVING THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories Recognise some religious signs and symbols and use some religious words and phrases Recognise that people because of their religion act in a particular way Talk about their own experiences and feelings Say what they wonder about 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people Use religious words and phrases to describe some religious actions and symbols Describe some ways in which religion is lived out by believers Ask and respond to questions about their own and others’ experiences and feelings Ask questions about what they and others wonder about and realise that some of these questions are difficult to answer 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs Use a developing religious vocabulary to give reasons for religious actions and symbols Give reasons for certain actions by believers Make links to show how feelings and beliefs affect their behaviour and that of others Compare their own and other people’s ideas about questions that are difficult to answer 4 Describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them Use religious terms to show an understanding of different liturgies Show understanding of how religious belief shapes life Show an understanding of how own and others’ decisions are informed by beliefs and values Engage with and respond to questions of life in the light of religious teaching 5 Identify sources of religious belief and explain how distinctive religious beliefs arise Describe and explain the meaning and purpose of a variety of forms of worship Identify similarities and differences between peoples’ responses to social and moral issues because of their beliefs Explain what beliefs and values inspire and influence them and others Demonstrate how religious beliefs and teaching give some explanation of the purpose and meaning of human life ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion AT 2 : Learning from Religion
Early Years: Based on Nursery Focus 2 p98, Continuous Provision Activity 1. Invite the children to use figures or finger puppets to re-enact aspects of the story of Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the Temple to show they recognise this as a religious story. Formal Assessment Spring 2016 Local Church – Community Beliefs, Teachings and Sources Beliefs, Teachings and Sources Towards L1
(i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion The children working within L1 should be able to recognise the story of the Presentation as a religious story about Jesus. Try to keep annotated photographs / a storyboard of the activity, as evidence, if possible. Early Years
Year 1: Year 1: Based on Learning Focus 5, p106, Activities 1 & 2. Read God’s Story 3 p62. Go over the key questions 2, 3 & 4. Make stick puppets of the special people in the story and re-enact aspects of the story of Mary and Joseph taking Jesus to the temple to show they recognise it as a religious story. Ask the pupils to name each of the people and recognise what they are doing. Retell the story accurately, naming the characters. Formal Assessment Spring 2016 Level 1 (Try to keep annotated photographs / a storyboard of the activity, as evidence, if possible.) Level 2
(i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion The children at L1 should recognise the story of the Presentation as a religious story about Jesus. To achieve L2, the child needs to accurately retell the story of the Presentation, naming the people. Try to keep annotated photographs / a storyboard of the activity, as evidence, if possible. Year 1
Formal Assessment Spring 2016 Year 2: Based on Learning Focus 4 p105, where the children learn about the story of the Baptism of Jesus. (Show the clip of this from the film ‘Miracle Maker if possible and See Background notes) ‘Read God’s Story 3 p80 – The Baptism of Jesus. Ask the key questions again. Ask the key questions again. Invite the children to produce storyboard sequencing and retelling accurately the events of this story and the characters concerned in words and pictures.’ Level 2 Invite the children to create an information sheet that makes links between this story and the belief Jesus is the Son of God. Level 3
ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion The children at L2 should accurately retell the story of the Baptism of Jesus naming all the characters and events. To work within L3, the pupil needs to make links between the story and the belief that Jesus is the Son of God. (i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs At L1 the children can recognise the Baptism of Jesus as a religious story. Year 2
Formal Assessment Spring 2016 Year 3: In Learning Focus 4 p105, pupils learn about the feasts of Mary. Focus on the Annunciation. Using God’s Story 3 p71, invite the children to create an information sheet for a person not of the Christian faith which retells the story of the Annunciation Ask the pupils to make links between the story and the belief that Mary is the Mother of Jesus and a role model for all Christians Level 2 Level 3
ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion The children at L2 should accurately retell the story of the Annunciation naming all the characters and events in their own words. To work within L3, the pupil needs to make links between the story and the belief that Mary is the Mother of Jesus and a model for all Christians. (i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs At L1 the children can recognise the Annunciation as a religious story. Year 3
Formal Assessment Spring 2016 Year 4: (Based on Learning Focus 4 p110 See Background Notes and Y4 Topic web) Revisit the scripture from God’s Story 3, pages 90, and 137. Write a paragraph saying what these two stories tell us about what Catholics believe about being called. Invite the children to describe and show they understand the scripture passages and can make links to other sources e.g. Baptism, prayers etc. and beliefs, feelings and ideas about mission. Level 3 Level 4
YEAR 4 Local Church – Community COMMUNITY LF1 Jesus chooses people to work with him LF2 The parish community LF3 How people within the parish serve the community in church LF4 Ministries in the parish LF5 Joining together as community Scripture Mark 3:13-19 – God’s Story 3 p90 (LF1) Acts 6:2-13 Sharing the mission – God’s Story 3 p137 LF4 Romans 12:8-11 Be Real about loving – God’s Story 3 p131 LF5 Christian Beliefs The early followers of Jesus – called Christians - formed the Early Church. LF1, 2, A parish is the Christian community (Church) in a local area. LF2 - 5 Parishioners are called to various ministries to build up the parish community. The Church is called to continue the work of Jesus. LF2-5 Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Community Unity Service Call/vocation Witness and mission Experiences, feelings and ideas Have you any experiences of the parish or parishioners who serve the parish community? How do you think they feel? Invite a parishioner to share their experiences of their parish ministries. How do you serve? Sacraments Baptism/Confirmation/Ordination – Christians are called and set apart through their baptism to do the work of Jesus and become a member of the Church. LF1-5 Eucharist – the parish celebrate together and take what they receive into the community. LF2-5 Art/Images/Artefacts Prayers/Tradition Parish ministers Symbolism of oil in sacraments – setting apart or strengthening for mission Hymns Come and follow me Follow me Called to change the world God’s Spirit is in my heart Proclaim the Word Within this community Right by My Side recognize-the-holy- apostles-in-icons/ recognize-the-holy- apostles-in-icons/ LF1 Picture of the parish Church
ATTAINMENT TARGET 1 : Learning about Religion The children, at L3, should be able to make links between the scripture and the Christian belief that they are called to share in the mission of Jesus. To achieve L4, the children must describe and show understanding connecting the scripture passages to other sources e.g. Baptism, Ordination, prayers and hymns etc. (i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs 4 Describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them The children at L2 can retell the scripture passages accurately Year 4
Formal Assessment Spring 2016 Year 5: Based on Learning Focus 2 p105, Activity 1 (See background Notes and Topic Web) Invite the pupils to write a letter of application or ‘Wanted Poster’ to attract suitable people to share Jesus’ mission. Include what Christian beliefs/scripture have motivated them to apply, how they feel about the job, what ideas they have about about Jesus’ mission and how they can be developed and continued today. Level 4
YEAR 5 Local Church – Community MISSION LF2 Jesus begins his mission ScriptureChristian Beliefs Jesus calls us to follow him. The Church (and every person) is called to continue the work of Jesus Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Service – especially of the poor Witness and mission Vocation Experiences, feelings and ideas How does Jesus call Christians to be his special friends and help him in his mission today? How are you called? How does that make you feel? Sacraments Confirmation - the anointing with the oil of chrism where the Bishop says ‘be sealed with the Holy Spirit’. The candidate is ‘set apart’ and called to continue the mission of Jesus. Baptism – called and set apart Art/Images/Artefacts Prayers/Tradition John Henry Newman prayer in ‘Explore’ – ‘I have my mission’ and charities such as the Richmond Fellowship, CAFOD etc. Work of the SVP/Mini Vinnies Hymns Follow me God’s Spirit is in my heart Called to change the world This little light of mine Proclaim the Word Raise your Voice for Justice Luke 4: 14-22 God’s Story 3 page 95 - Jesus begins his ministry Luke 5: 27-32 God’s Story 3 page 96 - Jesus calls Levi. Luke 8: 1-3 God’s Story 3 page 99 - The Women Isaiah 61: 1-2, 10-11 God’s Story 3 page 65 Pentecost Story – Acts 2:1-4 http://www.caravaggio- Calling-of-Saint- Matthew.html William Holman Hunt
To achieve L4, the child would have to describe and show further understanding of the belief in being called, making links between scripture, beliefs, feelings, ideas and experiences. At L3, the children should be able to make links between scripture studied and the Christian belief in being called. (i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs 4 Describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them 5 Identify sources of religious belief and explain how distinctive religious beliefs arise A pupil working at L2 would be able to retell the passages from scripture accurately. Year 5
Formal Assessment Spring 2016 Year 6: Within Learning Focus 6, the children learn about ‘The Bible in daily life’. (See Background Notes and Topic Web) Pupils write a presentation - PowerPoint or script - explaining what Christians believe about the Bible. They should mention that it is the Word of God, inspired by the Holy Spirit, how it is structured, the different genres, how Christians use the Bible in their daily lives and their own feelings and experiences regarding the Bible. They are able to support their work with a range of both scriptural texts and other source material. Level 4
YEAR 6 Local Church / Community - SOURCES Scripture St. Paul on the Scriptures – Romans 15:4-6 LF1; The Torah/Pentateuch – first 5 books of the Bible In the beginning was the Word – John 1:1 And the word became flesh – John 1:14 The Gospels Acts/Letters/Revelation 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Christian Beliefs Holy Spirit as inspiration/author of the Bible co-operating with human authors. Reverence for the Word of God. God speaks through the words of scripture. The Bible is a guide for living. Prayer is a means of listening to God. Christian Life; Beliefs and Values Reverence and respect Wisdom Knowledge Following the example of Jesus… Ways in which we can witness to the good news and be the good news. 1 Corinthians – faith, hope, love, endurance, patience, kindness, selflessness, humility, truthfulness….. Experiences, feelings and ideas When have you heard the Bible being read? How does it make you feel? How does the Bible help us live? What stories are passed on in your family and why? Sacraments Mass – Liturgy of the Word Excerpts from the Scriptures read during celebration of all the Sacraments Art/Images/Artefacts BBC Learning Zone 307 The Bible Bibles;Torah;Lectern Dead Sea Scrolls benefits-to-reading-the-bible-as-library,-not- as-bo/ Four Evangelists by Jacob Jordaens – Louvre St Jerome at prayer: giovanni-girolamo-savoldo-saint-jerome Prayers/Tradition Oral Tradition– stories were told before being written. Responses to the readings at mass. Priest kissing the scriptures. Bible used for prayer and to guide life. Hymns Oh the Word of My Lord Open Your Ears O Christian People Listen Let Your Heart Keep Seeking Lord, teach me your ways
At L4, pupils are able to describe and show understanding of the Bible, the beliefs, the ideas and feelings of Christians and make links between them. In order to progress to within Level 5 a pupil would need to further evidence and substantiate the Level 4 task by identifying further sources of scripture and Christian beliefs in order to explain the distinctive beliefs and how they arose. (i) beliefs, teachings and sources CHURCH THEME 1 Recognise some religious stories 2 Retell some special stories about religious events and people 3 Make links between religious stories and beliefs 4 Describe and show understanding of religious sources, beliefs, ideas, feelings and experiences; making links between them 5 Identify sources of religious belief and explain how distinctive religious beliefs arise Year 6 At L2, pupils will know that the Bible is a special book and be able to retell some passages from it. At L3, pupils can make links between stories contained in the Bible and what Christians believe
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