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24 December 2015 Christmas Eve A Gathering Around Word and Table.

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1 24 December 2015 Christmas Eve A Gathering Around Word and Table

2 ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude Welcome & Prayer COMING TO BETHLEHEM Call to Worship Choir Carol Children’s Message Scripture Hymn FINDING A STABLE Solo Unison Prayer of Confession Silent Prayer & Words of Assurance Passing the Peace Scripture Hymn CHRIST IS BORN! Choir Carol Scripture Lighting of the Advent Wreath Hymn Christmas Message Christmas Prayer ANGELS REJOICE, SHEPHERDS GIVE THANKS Scripture Hymn Christmas Offering Offertory Anthem Doxology Offertory Prayer Christmas Communion Sending Carols Benediction Postlude

3 PRELUDE Of the Father’s Love Begotten Divinum Mysterium medieval chant WELCOME AND OPENING PRAYER


5 *CALL TO WORSHIP Leader: The angel of the Lord announced to Mary, People: She would bear the Holy Child. Leader: Christ was born in Bethlehem. People: May Christ be born again tonight in our hearts. Leader: The angel reassured the shepherds leading them to Christ. People: May God direct us to the light shining from the manger. Leader: A choir of angels filled the night sky with hymns of praise. People: May we join that song with thankful hearts. Amen.

6 CHOIR CAROL Were You There on That Christmas Night? Natalie Sleeth CHILDREN’S MESSAGE “Building the Nativity Scene” SCRIPTURE Luke 2:1-4a *HYMN O Little Town of Bethlehem UMH #230 (Those who have animals, please bring them forward)

7 ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude Welcome & Prayer COMING TO BETHLEHEM Call to Worship Choir Carol Children’s Message Scripture Hymn FINDING A STABLE Solo Unison Prayer of Confession Silent Prayer & Words of Assurance Passing the Peace Scripture Hymn CHRIST IS BORN! Choir Carol Scripture Lighting of the Advent Wreath Hymn Christmas Message Christmas Prayer ANGELS REJOICE, SHEPHERDS GIVE THANKS Scripture Hymn Christmas Offering Offertory Anthem Doxology Offertory Prayer Christmas Communion Sending Carols Benediction Postlude


9 SOLO The Little Road to Bethlehem performed by Keith Kibler; by Michael Head CHOIR CAROL UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION Gracious God, a babe was born in a manger who came to save the world, what an incredible gift of love. Forgive us when we do not love our neighbors and when we struggle to love ourselves. Fill our hearts with your love that we might share your love with others. SILENT PRAYER AND WORDS OF ASSURANCE We bring our individual prayers of confession to the Savior, trusting God’s grace and forgiveness. Leader: In the name of Jesus Christ you are forgiven. People: In the name of Jesus Christ you are forgiven. All: Alleluia. Thanks be to God. *PASSING THE PEACE

10 SCRIPTURE Luke 2:4b-5 *HYMN Away in a Manger UMH #217 (Those who have Mary and Joseph, please bring them forward)

11 ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude Welcome & Prayer COMING TO BETHLEHEM Call to Worship Choir Carol Children’s Message Scripture Hymn FINDING A STABLE Solo Unison Prayer of Confession Silent Prayer & Words of Assurance Passing the Peace Scripture Hymn CHRIST IS BORN! Choir Carol Scripture Lighting of the Advent Wreath Hymn Christmas Message Christmas Prayer ANGELS REJOICE, SHEPHERDS GIVE THANKS Scripture Hymn Christmas Offering Offertory Anthem Doxology Offertory Prayer Christmas Communion Sending Carols Benediction Postlude


13 CHOIR CAROL Infant Holy, Infant Lowly traditional Polish carol; English words by Edith Reed SCRIPTURE Luke 2:6-7 LIGHTING OF THE ADVENT WREATH Scripture: Isaiah 7:14 Lighting the Candle Prayer *HYMN Joy to the World UMH #246 (The person who has baby Jesus, please bring him forward)

14 CHRISTMAS MESSAGE “The Birth of Jesus Christ: Simply the Greatest Gift” Pastor Courtney



17 ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude Welcome & Prayer COMING TO BETHLEHEM Call to Worship Choir Carol Children’s Message Scripture Hymn FINDING A STABLE Solo Unison Prayer of Confession Silent Prayer & Words of Assurance Passing the Peace Scripture Hymn CHRIST IS BORN! Choir Carol Scripture Lighting of the Advent Wreath Hymn Christmas Message Christmas Prayer ANGELS REJOICE, SHEPHERDS GIVE THANKS Scripture Hymn Christmas Offering Offertory Anthem Doxology Offertory Prayer Christmas Communion Sending Carols Benediction Postlude


19 SCRIPTURE Luke 2:8-20 *HYMN Angels We Have Heard on High UMH #238 (Those who have angels and shepherds, please bring them forward)

20 CHRISTMAS OFFERING All gifts collected tonight will be designated for ministry and service to our communities. OFFERTORY ANTHEM See Amid the Winter’s Snow Edward Caswall, John Goss

21 *DOXOLOGY AND SINGING PRAISE (to the tune of UMH #95) Praise God, who does so freely give; Praise Christ, who died that we might live; Praise the Spirit who sustains; The Three-in-One forever reigns. Amen. *OFFERTORY PRAYER In a manger lay the gift that changed the world. Our world continues to be transformed by Christ’s love. God help us to use these gifts to bring light and life to others. May these gifts be used to reach out to others in the community and throughout the world so that all may know Christ’s love.

22 ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude Welcome & Prayer COMING TO BETHLEHEM Call to Worship Choir Carol Children’s Message Scripture Hymn FINDING A STABLE Solo Unison Prayer of Confession Silent Prayer & Words of Assurance Passing the Peace Scripture Hymn CHRIST IS BORN! Choir Carol Scripture Lighting of the Advent Wreath Hymn Christmas Message Christmas Prayer ANGELS REJOICE, SHEPHERDS GIVE THANKS Scripture Hymn Christmas Offering Offertory Anthem Doxology Offertory Prayer Christmas Communion Sending Carols Benediction Postlude

23 CHRISTMAS COMMUNION Invitation & Communion Prayer (please follow along with the bulletin) Receiving the Bread and Cup Prayer After Communion (please follow along with the bulletin)

24 *SENDING CAROLS O Come, All Ye Faithful UMH #234 Silent Night, Holy Night UMH #239 (as we sign this song, we invite you to hold your candle, receive the light from a neighbor, and pass on the light to another neighbor)

25 Silent Night, Holy Night UMH #239 Silent night, holy night, all is calm, all is bright Round yon virgin Mother and Child, holy infant so tender and mild, Sleep in heavenly peace, Sleep in heavenly peace. Silent night, holy night, shepherds quake at the sight, Glories stream from heaven afar, heavenly hosts sing Alleluia. Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born.

26 Silent Night, Holy Night UMH #239 Silent night, holy night, Son of God, love's pure light, Radiant beams from Thy holy face, with the dawn of redeeming grace, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth, Jesus, Lord, at Thy birth. Silent night, holy night, wondrous star, lend thy light; with the angels let us sing, “Alleluia” to our King. Christ the Savior is born, Christ the Savior is born.

27 BENEDICTION (DISMISSAL WITH BLESSING) POSTLUDE How Brightly Shines the Morning Star J.S. Bach

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