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Making a top of the best jobs in Romania was quite a tough task because there are a lot of factors, but finally I did it and this is my ‘top 5 jobs’:

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Presentation on theme: "Making a top of the best jobs in Romania was quite a tough task because there are a lot of factors, but finally I did it and this is my ‘top 5 jobs’:"— Presentation transcript:


2 Making a top of the best jobs in Romania was quite a tough task because there are a lot of factors, but finally I did it and this is my ‘top 5 jobs’: Surgeon IT programmer Teacher Judge Soldier

3 A surgeon is a doctor specialized in surgery, which is a medical treatment that usually involves cutting off the body for reasons like removing the damaged tissue or repairing a tear or a breakage. Excluding the monetary advantage of a surgeon, I think that the biggest reward is to know that you saved a life.

4 Even if it looks boring and not very interesting the IT programmer job is quite a nice one. You have a lot of benefits and advantages. One of them is the very good payment, this job is more and more appreciated. Another advantage is that you can work even from your house. Whatever others say, I think that this is one of the best jobs and deserves a place in my top.

5 Being a teacher is one of the most important jobs in the entire world. She or he is that person who prepares the child for the world. Besides the fact that a teacher teaches us how to read, to write, to calculate, the most important thing is to educate and make a child understand what’s good, what’s bad and what he has to do in different situations. School Bus

6 A judge is the justice man and his main duties are to be impartial and to give a right verdict. Shortly, we can say that the judge delivers the justice. A judge is the justice man and his main duties are to be impartial and to give a right verdict. Shortly, we can say that the judge delivers the justice.

7 Marketing manager The last but not the least job in my list is the soldier. Even if it is probably very much underrated, I think it’s one of the most important jobs in our society. They protect people from all the dangers even with their lives, which makes me admire and respect them.

8 Thank you for watching !

9 This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

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