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TMN Evolution - Service Providers’ Needs for

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1 TMN Evolution - Service Providers’ Needs for
Presentation by Mike Slevin, TI/Broadcom TMN Evolution - Service Providers’ Needs for the Next Millennium Contractors: BT DT PT TF TI Start: January 98 Finish: January 99

2 Objectives Review the role of TMN in the PNOs application of IT to run and manage networks and services Identify issues regarding the refinement of TMN in the light of emerging network service providers needs including the use of COTS (commercial off the shelf) technology Formulate recommendations which refine TMN principles and development approaches Outline further studies that may be appropriate for the EURESCOM workplan to address. TMN 2 P812 TMN Evolution

3 Forces of Change Electronic Trading Enterprise Resource Planning
EMS NMS SMS Network Electronic Trading Enterprise Resource Planning Customer Access Information Technology Internet Dumb network

4 Definitions For us, TMN is the standardisation by ITU-T
and ETSI of telecoms management of classical Public Networks and Services TMN Evolution is the process which strives to harmonise TMN with its environment. It is a non-deterministic process in the sense that nobody knows where it will end with any degree of certainty. TMN’s scope could contract or expand!

5 P812 Landscape SP/NO Needs Architectures Standards Technology
Current Status Issues Recommend- ations

6 P812 Work Flow Telecoms Management Information Status Analysis
Intuitition Issues Guidelines Future Work Unresolved

7 Deliverables A short main report (D1) Hardcopy annexes to D1 A set of web pages for future reference

8 P812 Web-site Project Description Internal Results Visitors Centre Useful Links Participants URL:http//

9 Initial Questions (1) 1. What should the difference between network management and control be? 2. Can or should TMN be comm.- protocol independent (info models and architecture)? 3. Where should TMN be the chosen solution in the telecom management environment of a Telco? 4. Is TMN specific to Network Operators while SPs need their own technology?

10 Initial Questions (2) 5. Which (CORBA or Q3 or ?) is the best technology for integrating legacy and other network management systems? 6. Future of classical TMN interfaces (Q, X, F) : should specification continue, why?, by whom 7. Should TMN be limited to particular functional areas and levels of the management hierarchy? 8. What role for Web-based solutions in the management of telecoms networks?

11 Service Providers’ Management Needs Survey
Current Importance Future Importance not very not very Need Automation Ease of Use Consistent Company Approach Consistent Global Approach Reduced Operations Costs Reduced Development Costs Customer Access to Management Use of Generic IT Solutions Use of Special Telecoms Solutions Complete and fax back to Broadcom or give to Mike

12 Final remarks P812 participants need external involvement to produce high quality results Industry and Universities can help, I hope How? Share your results and ideas P812 will be open - challenge our views See Web pages: (browse + us) Other ideas?

13 Chair - ANSI T1 TMN Subworking Group
ANSI TMN Overview Presented at IS&N ‘98 May 27, 1998 by Paul V. Hughes Chair - ANSI T1 TMN Subworking Group

14 ANSI TMN Overview T1M1.5 Subworking Groups
TMN Architecture, Functions, Communications and Directory Services Management Services Electronic Access Ordering Security Liaisons/Contributions

15 ANSI TMN Overview TMN Architecture, Functions, Communications and Directory Services Pressure to implement interconnection standards within six months of publication. How do we develop immediately implementable standards? What testing requirements, results and profiles do we require? What’s the process?

16 ANSI TMN Overview Management Services
Revise T1.256 to include both CMIP and IDL models when stable Identified areas for clarification and changes to correct the Service Level Model Developed draft standard on Alarm Resynchronization Connection Management draft standard ready for ballot. Will be revised when the ITU-T work is stable

17 ANSI TMN Overview Ordering And Billing Services Newly formed
Develops and maintains generic information models for the TMN X interfaces for pre-order, order and billing applications based upon business and protocol requirements received from the Ordering and Billing Forum(OBF) and the Electronic Communications Interconnection Committee(ECIC) Developing a Technical Report on ”Guidelines for CORBA/IDL modelling”

18 ANSI TMN Overview Security
Completed TMN Security Framework document for ITU-T SG 4 in collaboration with ETSI developed ANSI standard for secure communications between TMN applications called Application Based Security Developed ANSI standard for TMN Q3 security Developed TR-40 addendum for Electronic Bonding security requirements Looking at EDI security Inclusion of security certificates in the TMN Directory schema

19 ANSI TMN Overview Liaisons/Contributions ITU-T SG 4 SG 7 SG 11 SG 15

20 Telecom Service Providers OSS Needs
Dave Milham BT OSS Technical Collaborations 1

21 Service Provider Challenges
Deregulation from monopoly to regulated market cost and time matter regulator sets policy and evaluates progress Competition new market entrants Move from traditional Telco splitting of Service Provider and Network Operator roles new roles: retailer and broker for third party services Challenge every historical assumption Move to new services: broadband and internet Would you buy a Telco? 2

22 Implications for Telco management(1)
Move from technology to business focus New wholesale retail models Business process flow-through Improved responsiveness to new service/technology integration Intelligence in network 3

23 Implications for Telco management(2)
Integration of third party and internal S&NM systems Move from make - to make, buy and integrate Increased S&NM content in Partners / Suppliers products Key Telco applications have long lifetimes >9years So need to de-couple from IT Platform Churn Design based upon mainstream IT tools OMT Business Process Engineering Multi protocol for different physical deployments 4

24 Possible Technology Outcomes
CORBA and UNIX everywhere Client server apps fails and disappear Redmond everywhere CORBA nowhere Mainframes are back with new Java based 3270 terminals Industry resurrects TMN as least of all evils SP stop guessing platform technology No technologists left Build everything on a Workflow Process infrastructure 5

25 Service Provider 2000 Business Process Models Business Model
supplier value chain Buy Make Integration model Implementation System Design Implementation System Design Integrate Focus on integration design using main stream tools - OMT 6

26 For a second opinion… Ask me back next year!! 7

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