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Section C and D: Quality and Treatment of Data & Written Analysis Common Problems in previous years, Advice and Tips to do Your Best.

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Presentation on theme: "Section C and D: Quality and Treatment of Data & Written Analysis Common Problems in previous years, Advice and Tips to do Your Best."— Presentation transcript:

1 Section C and D: Quality and Treatment of Data & Written Analysis Common Problems in previous years, Advice and Tips to do Your Best

2 From your Fieldwork Guides… Students should treat and display the information collected using the most appropriate techniques. These techniques must be the most effective way of representing the type of information collected and must be well used. The precise techniques employed will differ depending on the nature of the fieldwork question but may include statistical tests, diagrams, maps, annotated photographs and images, matrices and field sketches. In the written analysis, students must demonstrate their knowledge and understanding of the fieldwork investigation by interpreting and explaining the information they have collected in relation to the fieldwork question. This includes recognizing any trends and spatial patterns found in the information collected. Where appropriate, an attempt should be made to identify and explain any anomalies. Students must also refer to the geographic context, information collected and the ways in which the material has been treated and presented. The treatment and display of material and the written analysis must be integrated within this section. The suggested length for the work in the section related to criterion C and criterion D is 1,350 words.

3 Formatting Make graphs & tables larger: the last thing you want to do is make the reader frustrated because they can’t see your table!

4 Formatting In your writing, always use actual numbers, not words. Wrong: Thirty seven percent of African Americans have an Associates Degree. Right: 37% of African Americans have an Associate’s Degree.

5 Formatting Label All Graphs, (Figure 1, Table 1, etc) Then refer to them by that label: Example: As shown in Figure 2, blah blah blah. Not: As shown in the graph below…

6 Formatting Don’t forget that Analysis and Graphs should be intertwined. Graph/Analysis/Graph/Analysis etc. Graphs/Maps should not be relegated to the back of the paper.

7 Formatting This section is supposed to be around 1350 words For the first draft, I will not grade it if it is below 1000 words. You must include the word count on top/bottom of page

8 Common Analytical Problems Your paragraphs should be set up in MelCon M: your claim or argument relating to some aspect of your research question/hypothesis. E: your data, your interview, your annotated photographs, a secondary source possibly L: Analysis of Data Do not begin paragraphs with a description of the graph. Don’t describe graphs at all! USE graphs to help you analyze

9 Analytical Problems No need for Introductions Don’t tell me that you’re now going to analyze your data. Just analyze your data! If you begin your analysis with something that sounds like this “After I collected data, I organized it into various graphs. Now I am going to use those graphs to analyze…” Delete it!

10 Analytical Problems Don’t forget about secondary data! Idea: use it! Let it help you! If your data shows you that Mexicans have more babies on the SE side, and then you find a secondary source showing you that nationally it’s the same… You just found more data that supports your argument!!

11 Analytical Problems Don’t Forget about Interviews Feel free to drop a line like this, – According to Figure 2, 75% of the people surveyed said they believe that abortion is morally wrong. Furthermore, a Hispanic female in her 40s stressed in an interview that “Abortion is the Devil” thus supporting this viewpoint shared by 75% of the survey responders.

12 Due Dates to Keep in Mind Sunday, January 3 @ 11:59pm: First Draft of Section C and D needs to be submitted to No less than 1000 will be graded. Word Count must be at the top/bottom of your paper.

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