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Safer Internet Actionplan (1999-2002) EU Action to Tackle Illegal and Harmful Content on Internet lick.

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Presentation on theme: "Safer Internet Actionplan (1999-2002) EU Action to Tackle Illegal and Harmful Content on Internet lick."— Presentation transcript:

1 Safer Internet Actionplan (1999-2002) EU Action to Tackle Illegal and Harmful Content on Internet lick

2 Safer Internet Action Plan 1999 – 2002, € 25 mill 1. European network of hotlines 2. Rating and filtering systems 3. Awareness in two stages


4 Results 16 hotlines Inncl. INHOPE association 13 Rating and filtering projects + benchmarking filtering systems 12 Awareness projects + Inncl. SAFT = 125 partners, 17 countries

5 Proposal: eSafe 1. Budget = € 13,3 million 2. Two years 2003 –04 3. Hotlines / filtering & rating /awareness = Improved action plan 1. Broadening (new tech & new risks) 2. Narrowing – coordination (Networks!) 3. Open for pre-accession countries! Waiting for European Parliament approval Decision in March 2003?

6 EU funding (eSafe timetable) 1. Announcement: Call for proposals May 2003 (?) 2. Criterias for funding 3. Selection process 1. Call close on 1 August 2003 (?) 2. Evaluations September 2003 3. Negotiations & contract preparations 4. Projects start 1 January (??) 5. Funding process 1. Contracts 2. Cost models

7 Where to find info on EU funding Announced in ”The Official Journal of EC ” (Luxembourg) & websites Closing of call, 2-3 months later EU Info-meeting (match-making) Luxembourg April 2003 (?) Clinic Read the Call! Downloadable application forms Send in a Pre-proposal! Contact the EC

8 Criterias for funding European dimension More than 1 country Viable partners Relevant background NB Cost sharing (usually 50-50) Different cost models

9 Selection Process Deadline! Evaluators meeting Commission Decision Contract preparations, meetings with EC

10 Funding Project starts when contract is signed by all parties Advance payment (30 %) Regular reporting to Commission Cost statements every 6 months – EC payment after 60 days.

11 Further information

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