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Communication of Control Measures. Who do we need to Communicate To Employees Subcontractors Professionals Visitors.

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Presentation on theme: "Communication of Control Measures. Who do we need to Communicate To Employees Subcontractors Professionals Visitors."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communication of Control Measures

2 Who do we need to Communicate To Employees Subcontractors Professionals Visitors

3 Methods of Communications Induction SWMS Toolbox Talks Other Methods – Memos – Noticeboards

4 Induction

5 Induction Requirements 1.Competencies & Qualifications

6 Induction Requirements 1.Competencies & Qualifications 2.Emergency Procedures

7 Induction Requirements 1.Competencies & Qualifications 2.Emergency Procedures 3.First Aid & Accident Procedure

8 Induction Requirements 1.Competencies & Qualifications 2.Emergency Procedures 3.First Aid & Accident Procedure 4.Site Specific Hazards & Control Measures

9 Methods of Communications Induction SWMS Toolbox Talks Other Methods – Memos – Noticeboards

10 SWMS Convey an Agreed Work Method Must be able to be Understood by Workers Must address hazards and specify Control measures


12 High Risk Construction Work

13 Safe Work Method Statement - Purpose Supervisors & Workers understand the work process for “High Risk Activity” Work Process is Set Out in a Logical Sequence Hazards & Control identified with the sequence

14 Safe Work Method Statement Activity Broken down into basic steps The Steps should allow an Analysis of the hazards The level of detail is to ensure all hazards are identified

15 Safe Work Method Statement Needs to be in a format that can be easily understood by those who “NEED TO KNOW”. Workers Supervisors Principle Contractors

16 Who is Responsible to Compile a SWMS A PCBU conducting High Risk Work MUST ensure a SWMS is prepared. This MUST be prepared in consultation with ALL relevant parties to the High Risk Work Who would be the relevant parties

17 MULTIPLE PARTIES TO AN ACTIVITIE 1 SWMS may suffice Ensure that there are no inconsistencies I think it is a bad idea

18 Preparing a SWMS Circumstances that may affect the High Risk Activity The WHS Safety Management Plan prepared by the Principle Contractor

19 SWMS - Contents Name, Address & ABN of PCBU Details of person responsible to ensure that it is implemented, enforced & monitored

20 SWMS - Contents


22 Name of Principle Contractor Work site address Preparation Date Date given to Principle Contractor Review Dates

23 SWMS - Contents Names of Persons Consulted Clear Directions of the Control Measures being implemented

24 SWMS - Compliance

25 Person Being PCBU

26 SWMS - Compliance

27 Code of Practice

28 SWMS – Copy Must be Given to Principle Contractor

29 SWMS – Must be Reviewed

30 Methods of Communications Induction SWMS Toolbox Talks Other Methods – Memos – Noticeboards

31 Tool Box Talk - Proforma

32 Record of WHS Safety Meeting

33 Methods of Communications Induction SWMS Toolbox Talks Notice Board – Posters etc

34 Posters


36 Methods of Communications Induction SWMS Toolbox Talks Notice Board – Posters etc. Memos, Newsletters etc.

37 Memo

38 Newsletter

39 Methods of Communications Induction SWMS Toolbox Talks Notice Board – Posters etc. Memos, Newsletters etc. Training



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