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VAQs Week 33. A 3 month old girl is brought to your emergency department after three days of diarrhoea and vomiting. She appears very unwell and lethargic,

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Presentation on theme: "VAQs Week 33. A 3 month old girl is brought to your emergency department after three days of diarrhoea and vomiting. She appears very unwell and lethargic,"— Presentation transcript:

1 VAQs Week 33

2 A 3 month old girl is brought to your emergency department after three days of diarrhoea and vomiting. She appears very unwell and lethargic, with sunken eyes, a sunken fontanelle and dry mucous membranes. A. Describe and interpret her blood test results (100%) 2011/2/2 FiO 2 : 50% pH: 7.12 (7.35-7.45) pCO 2 : 12mmHg (35-45) pO 2 : 103mmHg (80-100) HCO 3 - : 4mmol/L (22-26) BE: -25 (-3-+3) lactate:3.6mmol/L (0.5-2.0) SpO 2 :98% Na + : 155mmol/L (135-145) K + : 3.0mmol/L (3.4-5.0) Cl - : 136mmol/L (95-110) Urea:15.4mmol/L (3-8) Creat:45mcmol/L (50-120) Glucose: 6.1mmol/L (3.0-6.0)

3 2010/1 A previously well 23 year old man is brought to your emergency department acutely short of breath after developing right sided chest pain at work. On arrival, he appeared pale and sweaty and was hypotensive. A Chest X-ray was taken immediately after a procedure was performed to stabilise his condition. His vital signs are now normal. A. Describe and interpret his X-ray (30%) B. Outline your treatment options

4 A 50 year old man presents with shortness of breath and sharp central chest pain of 24 hours duration. He has no past medical history and is on no medication. His observations are; BP: 110/80mmHg supine, Temp: 37.9 o C, SpO 2 : 97% room air. A. Describe and interpret his ecg. (50%) 2008/2

5 A 65 year old man is brought to your emergency department. He was starting a fire in his fireplace when his clothes caught on fire. A.Describe and interpret his photograph. (50%) B.Outline the principles of his fluid management.(50%) 2008/2

6 VAQs Week 33

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