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Chase Calhoun.  Patou Griggs  Height: 5’7  Weight: 170 lbs  Position: Kicker.

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Presentation on theme: "Chase Calhoun.  Patou Griggs  Height: 5’7  Weight: 170 lbs  Position: Kicker."— Presentation transcript:

1 Chase Calhoun

2  Patou Griggs  Height: 5’7  Weight: 170 lbs  Position: Kicker

3  ~8/1000 athletes injured in NCAA  Ligament sprains most common  Other types of common injuries:  Concussion  Upper/lower limb  Torso/pelvis  Heat related illnesses  Patou: No injury within past 2 years

4 Scientific Findings

5  Sport Participation  Training Rituals  Use of Ergogenic Aids  Importance of Nutrition  Any injuries?  Any myths or superstitions?  Helpful findings

6  6-10 g/kg of body weight  45-65 % of total calories  Recommendations vary depending on athlete’s training/competition schedule

7  Team sport athlete: Daily grams of protein/Kilogram body weight: 1.2-1.6 g/kg  % of total calories contributed by protein: 12- 16%  Strength athlete: Daily grams of protein/Kilogram body weight: 1.4-2.0 g/kg  15-20% of total calories per day

8  20-35 % of total calories  Athletes should not consume large amounts of fats before, during or after

9  Whole grains  Potassium  Green vegetables

10  80%- sports drinks, water, milk, etc. 20%- fluids from foods eaten  Before: Variety of fluids are advised  24 hours prior  2 to 3 hours prior  10 to 20 minutes prior  During: 1-1.5 cups of cool fluids  After: Begin rehydrating as soon as possible

11  Ergogenic aids  Gatorade  Protein shakes

12  Pasta with red meat sauce,  grilled chicken, salad and fruit.

13  Roast beef, mashed  potatoes and salad.

14  Importance of meeting guidelines  Importance of nutrition in relation to performance


16  American Society for Nutrition. (2014). The best of nutrition research. Retrieved from  Boyle. M. (2004). Functional Training for Sports.  Clark, N. (2014). Nancy Clark's sports nutrition guidebook (Fifth ed.). Newton, Massachusetts: Human Kinetics.  Fink, H.H. (2015). Sport nutrition. (Fourth ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones & Bartlett Learning  Mannie, K. (n.d.). Developing Football's Energy System. Retrieved April 15, 2015, from  McArdle. W., Katch. F., Sports and Exercise Nutrition. (2013) (Fourth ed.). Football Injuries. (n.d.). Retrieved April 15, 2015, from


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