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Jodi Upton USA TODAY Associated Press Sports Editors Salt Lake City June 24, 2010.

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Presentation on theme: "Jodi Upton USA TODAY Associated Press Sports Editors Salt Lake City June 24, 2010."— Presentation transcript:

1 Jodi Upton USA TODAY Associated Press Sports Editors Salt Lake City June 24, 2010

2 Documents every Sports Department should have: Head coach contracts Outside Income Reports for all coaches and key employees NCAA revenue and expense form 990 for private schools




6 Contract and Outside Income Report LSU contract LSU OIR, 2009

7 Is covering athletic department spending worth the trouble? Aren’t most athletic departments self-supporting? Don’t football programs pay for all the other sports?

8 Federal report Equity in Athletic Disclosure Act data Revenue and expenses off in one-third of schools, some as much as $30 million Few details No incentive for accuracy or consistency across schools Includes most private schools Emergency use only!

9 National Collegiate Athletic Association Due to the NCAA every January 15 for the previous fiscal year (usually July-June). Same format and rules for all schools Uses national accounting guidelines NCAA will not release the report. It has to be gathered using open records laws from each school.

10 “Sure the data is there, but people have to work pretty hard to find it. You would think the media would be all over these data, but they don’t seem to want to do the work necessary to uncover it.” --One college president to the Knight Commission on Intercollegiate Athletics (for Knight Commission Report published October 2009)

11 Academic reform hit a tipping point when graduation rates were first shared publicly. We believe the same will be true for financial reform when there is far greater openness about spending on college sports. --Knight Commission, June 16, 2010

12 Ohio State 2009

13 How dependent is your athletic department (2007-08)?

14 If schools are more dependent on subsidies, are they cutting spending?



17 USA TODAY’s version sports/college/ncaa- finances.htm Currently: About 200 public schools in D-I Not available: private schools, PA schools, Navy




21 Case Study Cincinnati


23 Private schools, booster clubs USC 2009

24 How to ask Take the time to find the right person Be specific Cite the law, though avoid legalese (there’s time for that later) Ask about costs Tell them how you want the documents Sample letter

25 Rejection: Was it something I said? Arkansas State

26 Help! How do I know what the law is? Reporters Committee for Freedom of the Press, Open Government Guide

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