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INTERREG IIIB PROGRAMME “ALPINE SPACE“ ALPTER Reporting obligations and Financial control.

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Presentation on theme: "INTERREG IIIB PROGRAMME “ALPINE SPACE“ ALPTER Reporting obligations and Financial control."— Presentation transcript:

1 INTERREG IIIB PROGRAMME “ALPINE SPACE“ ALPTER Reporting obligations and Financial control

2 JTS European Commission Managing Authority/Paying Authority Lead Partner Contractual arrangements Regulations Subsidy Contract Partnership Agreement Agreement Subcontractor Subcontract Project Partner Partner State

3 Financial flows and reporting obligations MA/JTS

4 According to the Programme Document (paragraph 7.2.3), the Lead Partner of a project co-funded by ERDF funds has the obligation to: 1.collect information about all project partners and monitor and report about progress of the whole project in the framework of the agreed monitoring system 2monitor and report about financial flows for the whole project including ERDF funds

5 The LP is bound to these obligations by signing the subsidy contract with the Managing Authority. On the basis of the programme document and the subsidy contract, the Lead Partner may only request payments by providing progress reports to the JTS. The progress report consists of an activity report, depicting the project’s achievements related to its planned Work-Packages and to the time schedule as indicated in the AF, and of a financial report, providing information about allocated costs during the reporting period, and of an information & publicity report.

6 European Commission Managing Authority/Paying Authority Lead Partner Subcontractor Financial flows and reporting obligations = ERDF-funding = national funding JTS services, invoices payment 1st level control reports incl. certifications of expenditure progress reports (activity and financial report) Partner State Project Partner

7 Periodical and Final Progress Reports 1.: LP and PP report expenditure 1st level control 2.: certifies expenditure Lead Partner 3.: PPs submit activity and financial report Joint Technical Secretariat/MA 4.: LP submits aggregated activity, financial and I&P report Managing Authority/Paying Authority 5.: JTS verifies the plausibility of the reported activities and expenditure 6.: MA checks and approves the progress report Project Partner 7.: PA releases ERDF funds

8 Documents to be submitted Activity, financial and I&P report (incl. certifications of expenditure) originals per post to MA per E-Mail to MA and JTS One copy of each publication produced (brochures, leaflets, articles, CD-ROM) per post to the JTS

9 Information and Publicity

10 Why to implement I&P measures To ensure greater transparency in the use of public funds. To increase awareness of the joint action of the European Union in partnership with the Member States in supporting financially the project activities. To inform on EU-funded project activities and disseminate results and best practices.

11 I&P measures Information eventsPublications Description in the I&P report Description in the I&P report and delivery I&P officer check Submission to MA/PA Recommendations to the LP Implementing and reporting of I&P measures

12 Hints for implementing I&P measures If you don‘t use the Joint AS/EU logo, the regulation requests always the mention of the co-funding (through ERDF) to finance the project actions. The presence of the EU logo is always mandatory when the national/local emblem is portrayed. The languages used in the publication must be the ones related to the partnership; in any case use the principle of “target-tailored communication“ and “good sense“. Indicate in the publication the contact references where to get information on the Programme.

13 Further information: - - - - - Thank you for your attention !

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