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MADISON AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) Update of the Regional Transportation Plan A Presentation to Dane County’s Transportation, Utilities.

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Presentation on theme: "MADISON AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) Update of the Regional Transportation Plan A Presentation to Dane County’s Transportation, Utilities."— Presentation transcript:

1 MADISON AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) Update of the Regional Transportation Plan A Presentation to Dane County’s Transportation, Utilities and Community Facilities Workgroup May 19, 2004

2 MPO General Responsibilities Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Transportation Improvement (TIP) Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) Corridor and sub-area studies

3 MPO Planning Area Boundary Must cover existing urbanized area boundary (defined by U.S. Census Bureau) Also covers the contiguous area expected to become urbanized within a 20 year period


5 MPO Key Responsibility Prepare Regional Transportation Plan (RTP) Conduct RTP update every 5 years –Current plan, Dane County Land Use and Transportation Plan, was adopted in 1997 and reaffirmed in 2000. –Update is required by the end of 2005

6 Regional Transportation Plan Identifies transportation improvements and strategies/actions (e.g. corridor studies) that will lead to an integrated, multi-modal transportation system Must have 20 year planning horizon Reflects long range land use and development plans, and population and employment forecasts of area

7 Questions to consider for update: How well is the transportation system performing? How well do existing plans deal with current and expected problems?

8 Questions continued: Can the transportation system support the kinds of future growth and development that the region desires? What are the trends in regional growth and are they desireable?

9 Countywide Population Growth From 1970-2000: 136,000 resident -Annual growth rate of 1.29% From 2000-2030: 153,000 residents - Annual growth rate of 1.03%

10 Regional Growth Trends Countywide Population PeriodChangeTotal% Change 1970-2000~136,000~426,00047% 2000-2030~153,000~580,00036% Countywide Employment (place of work) PeriodChangeTotal% Change 1970-2000~164,000~285,000136% 2000-2030~97,000*~382,000*34%* *Preliminary

11 Regional Growth Trends Countywide Labor Force PeriodChangeTotal% Change 1970-2000~129,000~256,000102% 2000-2030~69,000~325,00027% Employment Outpaces Labor Force PeriodEmploy.L.F.@Per. End 1970-2000139%102%31,200 2000-203034%*27%*57,000* *Preliminary

12 Regional Travel Trends 1990 work-trip commuting to Dane County from adjacent counties ~16,400 1990 work-trip commuting from Dane County to adjacent counties ~6,000

13 Regional Travel Trends 2000 work-trip commuting to Dane County from adjacent counties ~30,000 2000 work-trip commuting from Dane County to adjacent counties ~9,000

14 Regional Travel Trends 2000 work-trip commuting to Dane County from elsewhere ~37,000 2000 work-trip commuting from Dane County to elsewhere ~13,200

15 ~30,000 Work-trips From Adjacent Counties CountyCommutersLabor Force% of L.F Columbia8,93028,37031.5 Dodge1,44044,6803.2 Green3,65018,82019.4 Iowa3,16013,14024.0 Jefferson3,97041,5907.6 Lafayette4408,7505.0 Rock5,02080,9006.2 Sauk3,43030,40011.3

16 1970 Work-trip Commuting in Dane County

17 1980 Work-trip Commuting in Dane County

18 1990 Work-trip Commuting in Dane County

19 2000 Work-trip Commuting in Dane County

20 County Population vs. Vehicle Registration Trends Total personal vehicle registrations increasing faster than the county’s population over the age of 16.

21 Mode Choice Work-trip Commuting Trends Dane County 1970-2000

22 1970 mode choice work-trip commuting for Dane County 1980 mode choice work-trip commuting for Dane County

23 1990 mode choice work-trip commuting for Dane County 2000 mode choice work-trip commuting for Dane County

24 Transit Ridership Trends

25 Bicycle Work-trips to Downtown Madison and UW From 1990 to 2000, work-trips increased 24% from 2,240/day to 2,770/day Compared to other modes of travel, the percentage share also increased from 4.4% to 4.8%

26 Vehicle Miles of Travel Madison Urban Area

27 1990 Roadway Congestion

28 2000 Roadway Congestion


30 Verona Road/West Beltline Study USH 51 Corridor Study N. Mendota Parkway Study


32 Land Development Forecasts 1970-2000 : –Increased by 49% –About 2.2 sq. mi. a year 2000-2030: –Increase by 33% –About 2.2 sq. mi. a year –Higher residential densities –Lower commercial employees per acre



35 RPC Forecasts Compared to Local Land Use Plans Reasonable fit between USA forecasts & current Local land use plans How will the new local plans fit? Some urban areas plan for much more growth than forecast A few urban areas phase growth beyond 2030 Urban areas with small current growth capacities are working on new plans

36 MADISON AREA METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION (MPO) Update of the Regional Transportation Plan A Presentation to Dane County’s Transportation, Utilities and Community Facilities Workgroup May 19, 2004

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