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Somatoform Disorders By Emily Mikel and Madison Lavigne.

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Presentation on theme: "Somatoform Disorders By Emily Mikel and Madison Lavigne."— Presentation transcript:

1 Somatoform Disorders By Emily Mikel and Madison Lavigne

2 Definition A category of psychiatric disorder characterized by conversion of emotional distress into physical symptoms or by symptoms of physical illness that have no discernible organic cause. ecZQA7v3KTw/TG6DGOd BAuI/AAAAAAAAAN4/aW 1_jNzL- b4/s1600/somato.jpg

3 What is it? Can also be called psychosomatic disorders Symptoms cannot be traced to a physical cause Many tests and medical evaluations are done to be sure that they don’t have another illness Become worried because they don’t know what it causing problems Similar to the symptoms of other illnesses and may last for several years

4 Continue Not faking their pain or symptoms, everything they feel is real Don’t tell them their pains are imaginary, most symptoms are psychological Runs in families, they tend to come and go over time The obstacle in this disorder is to treat and diagnosis it. http://www.grame htm

5 Major Components 2 major parts Conversion disorder, and Hypochondriasis

6 Conversion Disorder Involves motor and sensory problems May suggest a neurological condition Impaired social,, occupational and personal ability to function Sensory impairment: tingling, and strong stimulations Motor impairment: arms, legs, vocal chords tremors and involuntary twitches

7 Hypochondriasis Preoccupied with fear of having a serious disease misinterpretation of bodily functions Minor abnormalities Problems continue without any changes

8 Symptoms Symptoms range from pain, gastrointestinal, sexual and pseudoneurological Will have experienced at least 8 different types of symptoms This is a sign of somatoform disorder http://www.neuros

9 Pain Symptoms Pain Symptoms: (4 or more experienced) pain in head, abdomen, back and joint Can also feel uncomfortable pain in the rectum Abnormalities in menstruation, urination and sexual intercourse

10 Gastrointestinal 2 or more experienced Nausea and vomiting Diarrhea Intolerance of foods Heart burn and constipation

11 Sexual At least one is experienced Indifference in sex Difficulties with erections and ejaculation Excessive menstrual bleeding Painful urination

12 Pseudoneurological At least 1 is experienced Impaired balance Weak or paralyzed muscles Lump in throat or trouble swallowing Loss of voice Double vision and dizziness Seizures are common http://www.balanc patient_info/imag es/8.jpg

13 Causes Nerve impulses that send signals of pain, pressure, and other unpleasant sensations to the brain Really have these pains and they are not imagined physically abused as we as sexually abused euron.jpg

14 Treatments Not cure, but can be managed Helping the person with disorders to live the most normal live as possible Teach people how to control their symptoms and also help to find things that make their pain worse Doctors tell patients to keep active through the pain. does not shorten a person’s life http://www.i randd/paind ml

15 Sources - - - - e_stories e_stories

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