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Speaking 2 languages: additional skills or additional needs? How migrant children of minority language backgrounds experience the transmission of their.

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Presentation on theme: "Speaking 2 languages: additional skills or additional needs? How migrant children of minority language backgrounds experience the transmission of their."— Presentation transcript:

1 Speaking 2 languages: additional skills or additional needs? How migrant children of minority language backgrounds experience the transmission of their inheritance language. Heather Little MSc (by Research) Social Policy

2 What is bilingualism? The native-like control of 2 languages Some understanding of an additional language, but an inability to produce meaningful utterances The alternate use of 2 or more languages in the homeThe alternate use of 2 or more languages in the home Subtractive bilingualism – the erosion or loss of a primary language

3 Background Policy and practice focus on ‘barriers to learning English’ Sustained development of the home language is important to bilingual children's academic achievement and social and personal development Lack of research into migrant children's own perspectives and experiences

4 Research questions What are the feelings and attitudes of migrant children of minority language backgrounds towards the languages used by their family? What expectations do they feel have been placed upon them, by themselves and by others (e.g. family members, school, minority community, mainstream society) in terms of the maintenance and use of both their minority language and English? What implications do the findings have for a joined up policy on language learning?

5 Research proposal Interviews with 20 school-aged migrant children of minority language backgrounds Interviews with the mothers of the children in the study Sample from 2 different locations (e.g. Glasgow and Inverness) In each location sample from both a primary school and a secondary school

6 Interviewing Study based around issues that touch on very personal aspects such as language, experience and identity Important that every participant is given the opportunity to choose interview language Additional complexity of interpreter Interviewing 2 members of the same family – questions of confidentiality, concurrence and influence

7 Further thoughts… Endless variables – is further control necessary? How to manage the dynamics of an interview done through an interpreter?

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