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Seminário Internacional sobre Digitalização: Experiência e Tecnologia Peter Dowdell - UKOLN 11th May, 2004 NOF-digitise and EnrichUK

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Presentation on theme: "Seminário Internacional sobre Digitalização: Experiência e Tecnologia Peter Dowdell - UKOLN 11th May, 2004 NOF-digitise and EnrichUK"— Presentation transcript:

1 Seminário Internacional sobre Digitalização: Experiência e Tecnologia Peter Dowdell - UKOLN 11th May, 2004 NOF-digitise and EnrichUK

2 The NOF-digitise programme £50 million (€75m) allocated for digitisation projects Funded from National Lottery proceeds Some 150 awards granted Programme started 2001 All project development complete end 2004 Funding to 2007

3 Programme partners The New Opportunities Fund In partnership with: UKOLN (University of Bath) AHDS (King College, London) MLA (formerly Resource) Becta

4 Management structure NOF Technical Advisory Service UKOLN / AHDS Becta PROJECTS MLA Compliance checks Quarterly / Final reports Case Manager contact Advice Compliance Arbitration Technical Queries TAS website Compliance arbitration Peoples Network Technical Standards

5 Technical Advisory Service Run by UKOLN in partnership with AHDS Provides email and telephone support to projects and other interested parties Provides site visits and consultation Publishes information papers and a FAQ list Provides technical advice to NOF Supports the compliance checking process Maintains Email lists to programme community

6 NOF-digitise Technical Standards and Guidelines Developed by UKOLN in wide consultation with Higher Education and Industry Regularly revised during span of programme – 5 versions issued “Lifecycle” philosophy Forms backbone of compliance process “must”, “should” and “may” grammar Location:

7 Compliance monitoring As part of terms of the grant, projects were required to comply with the Technical Standards and Guidelines Compliance checking service provided by Becta and problems referred to TAS for advice and arbitration

8 Compliance monitoring (2) HTML validation WAI level A validation Javascript Plug-ins Proprietary file formats – PDF, DOC etc Alternative text Security provisions Metadata structure

9 Project Examples Very broad range of subject material From very local to international scope Wide representation from UK regions Museums / Archives / Galleries “Sense of Place” Community-based projects Learning material

10 Arkive

11 AmBaile

12 Somerset Time Line

13 SeamlessUK

14 Digital Shakshipatri

15 EnrichUK – the programme portal

16 10 – 20,000 searches per month One-stop access by browse or search to the entire corpus of material generated by the programme Currently holds 150 project records and over 300 collection descriptions

17 EnrichUK – the programme portal A collection description registry Based on RSLP and Dublin Core metadata fields Includes private project interface for adding records to system Administration panel for site admins

18 EnrichUK - service checking NOF required an automated method to check projects remain up on the Web during the full funding period => 2007 System makes an HTTP request to project and collection URL Response recorded in database Report created and emailed at configurable intervals

19 Good Practice Guide Aimed at project managers of digitisation projects Encapsulate good practice learnt from the NOF-digi programme Build on Minerva Good Practice Guide Publication during July 2004

20 Links NOF EnrichUK UKOLN MLA Peoples Network AHDS Becta

21 Contacts Peter Dowdell UKOLN technical advisor Suite 303 15-17 Middle Street Brighton BN1 1AL t:01273 201 151 m:07786 266 440

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