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11th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented WirelessNetworks May 30–June 1, 2016 | Grenoble, France

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Presentation on theme: "11th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented WirelessNetworks May 30–June 1, 2016 | Grenoble, France"— Presentation transcript:

1 11th EAI International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented WirelessNetworks May 30–June 1, 2016 | Grenoble, France

2 Scope Research, requirement analysis and initial standardisation work towards the 5th generation of cellular systems have now been under way for a few years. The system requirements, ranging from extremely low set up and end to end delay, to the perception of infinite capacity will require novel system architecture solutions, but more importantly these requirements will increase the demand on wireless spectrum, accelerating the spectrum scarcity problem further. There has been a wide agreement that the fixed spectrum allocation and usage commonly adopted today are a bottleneck to 5G requirement fulfilment. Both academic and regulatory bodies have focused on dynamic spectrum access and or dynamic spectrum usage to optimize the scarce spectrum resource. These 5G systems will serve classical cellular services, but a large portion of traffic will be fed by machines and things. This machine type communication has yet specific requirements. They are much more delay sensitive and the fact that the expected tens of billions of devices will need to be reliably connected further increases the problem scale. Cognitive radio, with the capability to flexibly adapt its parameters, has been proposed as the enabling technology for unlicensed secondary users to dynamically access the licensed spectrum owned by legacy primary users on a negotiated or an opportunistic basis. It is now perceived in a much broader paradigm that will contribute to solve the resource allocation problem that 5G requirements raise. The aim of CROWNCOM 2016 is to bring together researchers from academia, industry, standards, and policy to present their new solutions of how cognitive radio systems will help deliver the required capacity at the right delay in the future 5G networks.

3 Organisation Committee General Chair Dr Dominique Noguet, CEA-LETI (France) Technical Program Committee Chair Klaus Moessner, University of Surrey (UK) Publicity and Social Media Chairs Emilio Calvanese-Strinati, CEA-LETI (France) Masayuki Ariyoshi, NEC (Japan) Apurva Mody, BAE systems (USA), WhiteSpace Alliance Publication Chair Jacques Palicot, Centrale Supélec (France) Keynote & Panel Chair Paulo Marques, Instituto de Telecomunicacoes (Portugal) Workshop Chair Jordi Pérez-Romero, UPC (Spain) Tutorial Chair Sofie Polin, KU Leuven (Belgium) Exhibition and Demonstration Chair Benoit Miscopein, CEA-LETI (France) Local Chairs Pascal Conche, CEA (France) Audrey Scaringella, CEA (France) Web Chair Yoann Roth, CEA-LETI (France)

4 Tracks & Track co-chairs Track 1 – Dynamic Spectrum Access/Management and Database Oliver Holland, King's College (London, UK) Kaushik Chowdhury, Northeastern University (USA) Track 2 – Networking Protocols for Cognitive Radio Luca De Nardis, Sapienza University of Rome (Italy) Christophe Le Martret, Thales Communications & Security (France) Track 3 – PHY and sensing Friedrich Jondral, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) Stanislav Filin, NICT (Japan) Track 4 – Modelling and Theory Panagiotis Demestichas, University of Piraeus (Greece) Danijela Cabric, UCLA (USA) Track 5 – Hardware Architecture and Implementation Seungwon Choi, Hanyang University (Korea) Olivier Sentieys, INRIA (France) Track 6 – Next Generation of Cognitive Networks Bernd Bochow, FhG Focus (Germany) Zaheer Khan, University of Oulu (Finland) Track 7 – Standards, Policies and Business Models Martin Weiss, University of Pittsburgh, (USA) Baykas Tuncer, Istanbul Medipol University (Turkey)

5 Program and submission deadlines Regular papers: Dec 7th 2015 Workshops: Jan 10th 2016 Tutorials: Jan 10th 2016 Exhibits and demonstrations : Jan 10th 2016 Keynotes (invitation based) Check calls on the conference web page

6 Confirmed Keynotes Dr. Walter Weigel Huawei European Research Institute Vice President of the European Research Institute of Huawei Dr. Douglas C. Sicker Head and Professor of Engineering and Public Policy with a joint appointment in the School of Computer Science at Carnegie Mellon University. Christophe Fourtet, CSO and co-founder of SIGFOX Philippe J. Lefebvre European Commission Head of the 5G Sector in the European Commission's DG CONNECT

7 Venue Minatec, Grenoble, France (Lyon St Exupéry Airport)

8 Banquet Diner Le Château la Commanderie, Bressons

9 See you in Grenoble

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