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Absalom was dead and the rebellion was over, but the king was in exile. David survived the most serious challenge to his leadership because of his circle.

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2 Absalom was dead and the rebellion was over, but the king was in exile. David survived the most serious challenge to his leadership because of his circle of friends.



5 Ittai was a Philistine who had come to live in Israel. David placed 1/3 of his army under Ittai’s command. At the time his son betrayed him, David trusted a Philistine. We need to develop good relationships with different kinds of people. II Samuel 18:2


7 Hushai was David’s friend. Good leadership is not possible without friends. You must have good information to make good decisions. Where can you get good information? II Samuel 15:33-37


9 Ahithophel gave Absalom counsel which would have been disastrous for David. Hushai gave Absalom bad advice, but which appealed to his pride. Because of his pride Absalom believed the wrong counsel.



12 David wanted to redeem a bad situation with his son Absalom, but this wasn’t possible. II Samuel 19:1-8 Leaders live in glass houses, not vacuums. A leader’s life is on public display.



15 Because David desperately wanted to save Absalom, when he learned of Absalom’s death, he began mourning publicly. Joab confronted him. David was thinking of him- self instead of his people.


17 Shimei was a relative of the late king Saul. II Samuel 19:18 On the worst day of David’s life, Shimei attacked him. The dirt and rocks didn’t hurt as much as his words. But Shimei was as quick to repent as he was to explode.



20 3 men who blessed David Shobi was from Rabbah a city of Ammon. II Samuel 17:27 Machir was from Lo-debar. Barzillai was an eighty year old man who used his riches to help a king in trouble.




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