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Автор: Сёмина К.С. ФГБОУ СПО «Брянское государственное училище (техникум) олимпийского резерва» 2015 г. курс мультимедиа уроков к учебной программе по.

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Presentation on theme: "Автор: Сёмина К.С. ФГБОУ СПО «Брянское государственное училище (техникум) олимпийского резерва» 2015 г. курс мультимедиа уроков к учебной программе по."— Presentation transcript:

1 Автор: Сёмина К.С. ФГБОУ СПО «Брянское государственное училище (техникум) олимпийского резерва» 2015 г. курс мультимедиа уроков к учебной программе по дисциплине (английский) Иностранны й язык


3 An apple a day keeps a doctor away. A sound mind in a sound body. Health is better than wealth. Prevention is better than cure. Health is not valued till sickness comes. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Fit as a fiddle. Translate the following proverbs:

4 An apple a day keeps a doctor away. A sound mind in a sound body. Health is better than wealth. Prevention is better than cure. Health is not valued till sickness comes. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. Fit as a fiddle. Кто яблоко в день съедает, у того врач не бывает. В здоровом теле здоровый дух. Здоровье дороже денег. Болен – лечись, здоров – берегись! Тот здоровья не знает, кто болен не бывает. Кто рано ложится и рано встает здоровье, богатство и ум наживет. Здоров как бык.

5 WE MUST WE MUST NOT Be healthy; smoke; wash hands; clean the house; eat too much; drink the alcohol; eat the snow; breathe in fresh air; go in for sport; eat fruit and vegetables; do morning exercises; eat too many sweets; go to bed late; keep our body clean; be sleepy; sleep eight hours; visit the doctor regularly; clean the teeth; feel fine; feel sick; have headache; have a bad cold; drink very cold water.

6 WE MUST WE MUST NOT be healthysmoke wash handseat too much clean the housedrink the alcohol breathe in fresh aireat the snow go in for sporteat too many sweets eat fruit and vegetablesgo to bed late do morning exercisesbe sleepy keep our body cleaneat too many sweets sleep eight hoursgo to bed late visit the doctor regularlybe sleepy clean the teethfeel sick feel fine have headache have a bad cold drink very cold water

7 Fill the gaps with appropriate words: Caught a cold feel good feel sick has a cold have to sneeze tired and exhausted blow her nose back ache have a headache have an earache sore throat lost her voice broke his arm temperature allergic to has a black eye I __________________ today. I am not sick. Hugo ____________________ because he thought he was Harry Potter. He banged his head against the bathroom wall. Olivia has to ______________________.It is blocked. I __________________a cold yesterday. I feel terrible. My English teacher _______________________. She can´t speak. My friend is ______________________ because he was working all day long. She _______________________ because she keeps sneezing and coughing. Do you have a tissue? I ____________________! AHHCHOO! Hugo fell off a tree. He is lucky he didn´t __________________________. I think I have a _______________________. My back really hurts. Please turn down the TV. I have a _____________________! My throat really hurts. My mother says I have a _____________________. I ____________________. I don´t feel well. I want to go home. I am ________________cats. I start to sneeze and my eyes start to water whenever I am around cats.

8 Fill the gaps with appropriate words: Caught a cold feel good feel sick has a cold have to sneeze tired and exhausted blow her nose back ache have a headache have an earache sore throat lost her voice broke his arm temperature allergic to has a black eye I feel good today. I am not sick. Hugo has a black eye because he thought he was Harry Potter. He banged his head against the bathroom wall. Olivia has to blow her nose. It is blocked. I caught a cold yesterday. I feel terrible. My English teacher lost her voice. She can´t speak. My friend is tired and exhausted because he was working all day long. She has a cold because she keeps sneezing and coughing. Do you have a tissue? I have to sneeze! AHHCHOO! Hugo fell off a tree. He is lucky he didn´t broke his arm. I think I have a back ache. My back really hurts. Please turn down the TV. I have a have a headache ! My throat really hurts. My mother says I have a sore throat. I feel sick. I don´t feel well. I want to go home. I am allergic to cats. I start to sneeze and my eyes start to water whenever I am around cats.

9 Doctor: -Yes, I will prescribe you this medicine, but don’t take it for more than a week. But remember that a lot of fresh air and a long rest will help you more than any pills in the world. - What’s the matter with you? - Do you sleep well? - Do you keep late hours? - Let me sound you? Do you smoke? - You must take a vacation. You should go to some quite place and stay there for at least half a month. Try to stop smoking. Walk at least an hour a day. This is the only way to recover. -Have you been working a lot? Patient: - I have had some urgent work to do and I was very nervous about it. - Doctor, will you prescribe me any sleeping pills? - No, I don’t. I have been sleeping very badly lately. - Occasionally. About a pack a week. - I don’t go to bed till midnight, sometimes later. - Thank you, doc. I’ll try to follow your advice. - Well, I don’t know, but a I have a terrible headache. Put the sentence in the right order to make a dialogue.

10 - What’s the matter with you? - Well, I don’t know, but a I have a terrible headache. - Let me sound you? Do you smoke? - Occasionally. About a pack a week. - Do you keep late hours? - I don’t go to bed till midnight, sometimes later. - Do you sleep well? - No, I don’t. I have been sleeping very badly lately. -Have you been working a lot? - I have had some urgent work to do and I was very nervous about it. - You must take a vacation. You should go to some quite place and stay there for at least half a month. Try to stop smoking. Walk at least an hour a day. This is the only way to recover. - Doctor, will you prescribe me any sleeping pills? -Yes, I will prescribe you this medicine, but don’t take it for more than a week. But remember that a lot of fresh air and a long rest will help you more than any pills in the world.


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