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Linking Blended Learning to Navy Fleet Performance Requirements, REAL-TIME Jake Aplanalp Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division.

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Presentation on theme: "Linking Blended Learning to Navy Fleet Performance Requirements, REAL-TIME Jake Aplanalp Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division."— Presentation transcript:

1 Linking Blended Learning to Navy Fleet Performance Requirements, REAL-TIME Jake Aplanalp Naval Air Warfare Center, Training Systems Division

2 Missile Technician (MT) Project Background MT Continuum Project Hurdles Current State Technical Solution Future State Technical Solution Project Team Lessons Learned Topics 2

3 Strategic Systems Programs (SSP) re-engineering 30+ week traditional training pipeline for TRIDENT submarine Missile Technicians (MTs) Re-engineering effort includes:  Development of a blended content continuum to be taught across an MT’s career  Continued use of Navy GOTS ILT (Instructor Led Training) content authoring toolset (AIM)  Incorporation of GOTS e-Learning development tool (VENUS) MT Continuum blended learning toolset design team:  SSP/Support Contractors (Requirements), NAWCTSD/Columbus Tech(AIM Toolset), LSI (ISD support and Venus Toolset) Missile Tech (MT) Continuum Project Background 3

4 Front-Loaded Training vs. Career-Long Continuum 4

5 Missile Tech (MT) Project Hurdles Geographically dispersed SSP team members contribute to creation and sustainment of MT content by providing: – Subject matter expertise (SME), Content design/development, Concurrency management 5

6 Missile Tech (MT) Project Hurdles Part II Technical data source requirements change quarterly, and training must stay current No other tools or business process alternatives support requirements within SSP project constraints SSP has limited funding:  Current GOTS tool and business approach yield 350-400% ROI  SSP project goal to duplicate current efficiencies with re- engineered, blended ILT / Learner Directed Content (LDC) continuum 6

7 Current State Technical Solution 7

8 Future State Technical Solution 8

9 Project Team Lessons Learned Technical Collaboration  Immediate establishment of relationships among technical team working staffs – REMOVE BARRIERS!  Clear functional roles and requirements among the multiple toolsets – much clarity was achieved after project began  No “Toolset Territorialism” among ILT & LDC technical staffs – focus on DATA instead of TOOLS 9

10 Project Team Lessons Learned Part II Content Development Process  Definition of standard project process/roles/responsibilities for each contributor – leveraging past lessons learned and expertise from each  Focus on configuration of ILT, LDC, and other technical tools to support the project process – this is the project’s “secret sauce”  Training of all participating developers in the project process, targeting only the functions in tools needed for development – using REAL MT DATA to train users  Ensuring sufficient SME inputs to content development teams  Ability to “pull” versus “push” critical project data via a web- enabled collaboration portal 10

11 Project Team Lessons Learned Part III Government and Contractor Teaming  Obsession with communication – achieved through initial face-to- face meetings and supplemented by frequent web meetings and circulated reports  Commitment to sharing all feedback within integrated team Contractual Relationships  Painfully clear delineation and documentation of roles for each contractor partner  Frequently revisiting designated roles 11

12 Summary MT Training requires a continuum of blended learning that can be updated and maintained current, “real-time” Current GOTS tools being leveraged and modified to support blended continuum requirement Lessons learned takeaway –coordination, communication, teaming are more difficult than achieving technical solution Authors believe this capability needs to be reproduced and further refined across other organizations to exploit:  Learning content tightly integrated with performance requirements  ROI from improved life-cycle management  Real-time currency of all training materials 12

13 Questions? 13

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