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Kefir intake as adjuvant onto glycemic control in diabetic rats

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1 Kefir intake as adjuvant onto glycemic control in diabetic rats
Cristina Stewart Bogsan Pharmaceutical-Biochemical Technology Department

2 Outline Type I Diabettes Mellitus Kefir; Aim; Protocol;
Oxidative stress; Results; Conclusion.

3 Diabetes Mellitus Source: Source: Shaw, 2010


5 Source: https://alissajhunt. wordpress

6 Source: http://www. thetribuneregister

7 Source:

8 Source: http://liberatehealth

9 Source: https://www. diabeticpick

10 Source: http://www. nytimes

11 Kefir Kefir is a fermented milk that contains a complex symbiotic mixture of Lactic Acid Bacteria (LAB) and Molds. The main microorganisms are: Lactobacillus, Lactococcus, Leuconostoc, Streptococcus, Kluyveromyces, Saccharomyces, Torula.

12 Kefir properties Kefir is known for providing benefits to human health through its anti-inflammatory, immune-stimulatory and antioxidant properties.

13 AIM This study aimed at assessing the effects of Kefir on oxidative stress and restoration of NO and in immunemodulation in diabetic animals.

14 STZ - diabetic induction
45 mg/kg iv Kefir preparation Skimmed Milk Fermentation until pH 4.6 Stiring(1min) Distribution in 50 mL cups Cooling in ice bath Storing (4 °C) 20mg/ 100mL Kefir DA Inoculation Kefir fermented milk Source:

15 Kefir groups intake 1.8 mL/day by gavage Water to CTL and DM groups
Protocol STZ Kefir 5 days Kefir groups intake 1.8 mL/day by gavage Water to CTL and DM groups Water and Chow intake Diuresis, Weight Fasting Blood tolerance Creatinine,Proteinuria, Tbars, NO 24 hs Euthanasia Immune Function Tests 8 weeks CTL CTLK DM DMK Water and Chow intake Diuresis, Weight Fasting Blood tolerance Creatinine,Proteinuria, Tbars, NO

16 Oxidative Stress in DM HYPERGLYCEMIA Increased ROS production
Impaired NO bioavailability NF-kB Activation Lipid peroxidation (LPO) Endothelial dysfunction Pro-inflamatory biomarkers Malandialdehyde (MPA) Impair Immune function Thiobarbituric acid substances (TBARS) Punaro et al. 2014; Maciel et al. 2015

17 Metabolic profile Punaro et al. 2014

18 Metabolic profile Punaro et al. 2014

19 Oxidative Stress Punaro et al. 2014

20 Oxidative Stress Punaro et al. 2014

21 Inflammatory biomarker
Punaro et al. 2014

22 Phagocity Activity Maciel et al, 2015

23 Peyer’s Patchs Maciel et al, 2015

24 Oral Glucose Tolerance Test
Punaro et al. 2014

25 Glycemia levels Punaro et al. 2014

26 Conclusion The results obtained in this study show that Kefir treatment significantly reduced the progression of STZ-induced hyperglycaemia, oxidative stress and potentialize the immune response modulatation in rats. Kefir may play a role in slowing the metabolic changes that contribute to DM as a non-pharmacological adjuvant improving the immunocompetence to better control of glycaemia, reducing or delaying the onset of complications associated with this disease.

27 This work was supported by:
Acknowledgments Unifesp Elisa M.S. Higa Giovana R. Punaro Fabiane R. Maciel Adelson M. Rodrigues Silvia S.M. Ihara Sergio R.R. Araujo USP Marcelo M. Rogero Marice N. Oliveira Talita R.C. Sanches Lucia C. Andrade This work was supported by: Coordenação de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior (CAPES), Fundação de Apoio a Universidade Federal de São Paulo (FAP-Unifesp), Fundação de Amparo a Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP).

28 Thank you

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