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Jesus came! So what! Who was He? What was the big deal?

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Presentation on theme: "Jesus came! So what! Who was He? What was the big deal?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jesus came! So what! Who was He? What was the big deal?

2 The Dilemma God is righteous (He cannot fellowship with sinners 1 John 1 verse 6 & “ Cor 6 verse 14) Man is fallen (sinful) (Genesis 3 V 15) God is just (the penalty for sin must be paid Romans 6 verse 23) Either man has to pay the penalty (death and eternal separation from God); or, Someone who is exempt from the penalty can pay it for those who owe it God is love (he wants fellowship with man), so said He would pay (die) in our place (Romans 4 verse 25 & 2 Cor 5 verse 21)

3 The Solution God said he would send His son to die in our place (The Messiah – Jesus Isaiah 53) We would have to know that Messiah was truly God’s son to be able to have faith We would have to know this beyond doubt The eternal God would be able to tell us ahead of time all about His son God set it up that the role of Messiah could only be fulfilled by a very specially qualified person

4 So how are we to know? Over 300 specific prophecies – we will deal with just 8: 1.Messiah had to be a descendant of Abraham (Genesis 22 verse 18). 2.He had to be a descendant of Isaac (Genesis 21 verse 12). 3.He had to be a descendant of Jacob (Genesis 28 verse 14, 35 verses 10-12 and Numbers 24 verse 17).

5 So how are we to know? 4.He had to come from the tribe of Judah (Genesis 49 verse 10 & Micah 5 verse 2) 5.He had to come from the family line of Jesse (Isaiah 11 verse 1) 6.He had to be a descendant in the house of David (Jeremiah 23 verse 5) 7.He had to be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5 verse 2) 8.He had to be born of a virgin (Isaiah 7 verse 14)

6 Matthew Matthew and Luke Names in common Luke GOD Adam Seth Enos Cainan Maleleel Jared Enoch Mathusala Lamech Noe

7 Matthew Matthew and Luke Names in common Luke Sem Arphaxad Cainan Sala Heber Phalec Ragau Saruch Nachor Thara

8 Abraham Isaac Jacob Judah Phares Esrom Aram (or Ram) Aminadab Naasson Salmon Boaz Obed Jesse DAVID

9 SOLOMON NATHAN RoboamMattatha AbiahMenan AsaMelea JosaphatEliakim JoramJonan (Menani) [Ahaziah or Jehoahaz]Joseph [Joash]Juda [Amaziah]Simeon Ozias (or Uzziah)Levi JoathamMatthat Achaz (or Ahaz)Jorim Ezekias (or Hezekiah)Eliezer ManassesJose AmonEr JosiasElmodam [Jehoiakim]Cosam JechoniasAddi Melchi Neri

10 Salathiel or Shealtiel (the real son of Jechonias, the legal son of Neri) Zorobabel (the real son of Pedaiah, 1 Chron 3:19, the legal son of Salathiel, Deut 25:5)

11 Abiud Rhesa EliakimJoanna AzorJuda SadocJoseph AchimSemei EliudMattathias EleazarMaath MatthanNagge JacobEsli JOSEPH (the real son of Jacob) Naum Amos Mattathias Joseph Janna Melchi Levi Matthat Heli JOSEPH (the legal son of Heli)* !!JESUS CHRIST!!

12 Virgin Birth Jesus had to be free from sin in order to pay for ours. Genesis 3 V 17 Sin entered through the sin of Man Genesis 3 V 15 Satan to be defeated through the seed of woman Bloodline to Joseph cursed. Jeremiah 22 verses 24-30. It was prophesied that this would be so. Isaiah chapter 7 verse 14

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