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Vocabulary UNIT 5. AUTO-KERNING To reduce the amount of space between certain letters. Auto kerning minimizes uneven spacing and maintains a uniform distance.

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Presentation on theme: "Vocabulary UNIT 5. AUTO-KERNING To reduce the amount of space between certain letters. Auto kerning minimizes uneven spacing and maintains a uniform distance."— Presentation transcript:

1 Vocabulary UNIT 5

2 AUTO-KERNING To reduce the amount of space between certain letters. Auto kerning minimizes uneven spacing and maintains a uniform distance between the letters within a word or group of words. MAIL-MERGE A feature supported by many word processors that enables you to generate form letters. To use a mail-merge system, you first store a set of information(template), like a list of names and addresses, in one file. In another file, you write a letter, substituting special symbols in place of names and addresses (or whatever other information will come from the first file).

3 MULTIMEDIA The use of computers to present text, graphics, video, animation, and sound in an integrated way. SOFTWARE DEVELOPER One who programs computers or designs the system to match the requirements of a systems.

4 SOFTWARE PACKAGE A special method of distributing and installing software (or software upgrades) to a computer. SPREADSHEET A table of values arranged in rows and columns.

5 ADJUSTchange AID (v)assist COMPLEXdifficult CONSTANTsteady CREATIVEoriginal DEFINITELYabsolutely DIVERSEvarious ENABLEallow ENSUREmake sure

6 ESTIMATEapproximation EXCEEDgo beyond GENERATEproduce IGNOREpay no attention to INEVITABLEpredictable REVEALmake known SHIFT (v)move SUCCESSIVEsucceeding TASKjob THEMEtopic TRENDstyle UNIFORMthe same

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