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Science Fair Project: The Effect of Cerebrospinal Fluid on the Protection of the Brain.

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Presentation on theme: "Science Fair Project: The Effect of Cerebrospinal Fluid on the Protection of the Brain."— Presentation transcript:

1 Science Fair Project: The Effect of Cerebrospinal Fluid on the Protection of the Brain

2 Purpose- To determine how well the cranium and fluids inside the brain protect the brain. Hypothesis- The more fluid that is inside the cranium protecting the brain, the better the brain will stay protected. Independent Variable- Amount of fluid (mL) Dependant Variable- Amount of damage done to the brain Constants- Dropping Distance, Size of the Container, Size of the egg, Size if Container

3 Design Diagram No liquid (control) 25 mL50 mL75 mL100mL 1 Repeated Trials 1 Repeated Trials 1 Repeated Trials 1 Repeated Trials 1 Repeated Trials

4 Procedures 1.Place the egg inside of a container that is slightly larger than the egg. 2.Safely secure the lid on the container. 3.Drop the container holding the egg to represent the cranium and cerebrospinal fluid protecting the brain. 4.Repeat steps 2-3, filling the container with different amounts of liquid, observing how the liquid inside the container, representing the membranes and cerebrospinal fluid, protects the egg better than just the container, or cranium alone.

5 Amount of Liquid (mL) Damage to the Egg No LiquidSevere 25Severe 50Moderate 75Minimal 100None

6 Damage With Water Added

7 Damage at 25 mL

8 Damage at 50 mL

9 Damage at 75 mL

10 Damage at 100 mL

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