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THIS IS With Host... Your 100 200 300 400 500 Ear Eye Neuroglia Cranial Nerves Nerve Cells Nervous System.

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4 With Host... Your

5 100 200 300 400 500 Ear Eye Neuroglia Cranial Nerves Nerve Cells Nervous System

6 What is the name given to the colored portion of the eye? A 100

7 Iris A 100

8 The sclera is commonly referred to as what part of the eye? A 200

9 The white of the eye A 200

10 What part of the eye is transparent and holds in fluid just in front of the lens? A 300

11 Cornea A 300

12 Which photoreceptors of the retina are responsible for peripheral and night vision? A 400

13 Rods A 400

14 Which gland is responsible for producing tears? A 500

15 Lacrimal gland A 500

16 Which part of the ear is lined with cilia that triggers nerve signals to transmit impulses to the brain? B 100

17 Cochlea B 100

18 What is the visible portion of the outer ear called? B 200

19 pinna B 200

20 Which part of the ear is responsible for our sense of balance? B 300

21 Semicircular canals B 300

22 There are three small bones in the middle ear. Which bone transfers vibrations from the first bone to the third bone? B 400

23 “Anvil” or Incus B 400

24 Which tube connects the middle ear to the back of the nose allowing for air pressure equilibrium and fluid drainage? B 500

25 Eustachian tube B 500

26 Neuroglia literally means what in english? C 100

27 “Nerve glue” C 100

28 Which type of neuroglia are spider-like white blood cells and they get rid of dead brains cells and bacteria? C 200

29 Microglia C 200

30 Which neuroglia brace neurons and keep them in contact with their blood supply? C 300

31 Astrocytes C 300


33 Which type of neuroglia produce myelin around nerve cells in the brain and spinal chord? C 400

34 Oligodendrocytes C 400

35 Which type of neuroglia contain cilia and are responsible for circulating spinal fluid? C 500

36 Ependymal cells C 500

37 Which nerve is responsible for vision? Give name and nerve number. D 100

38 II Optic Nerve D 100

39 Which nerve relays the sense of smell? Give name and nerve number. D 200

40 I Olfactory Nerve D 200

41 Abducens, nerve VI, supplies the muscles around the eyeball impulses which allow them to ______________? D 300

42 Move the eyes from side to side D 300

43 Which nerve is responsible for function of the heart and glands and also participates in the process of digestion? Give name and nerve number. D 400

44 X Vagus D 400

45 Which cranial nerve contains the sensory fibers of pain and touch from the face and the motor fibers which control the muscles of chewing? Give name and nerve number. D 500

46 V Trigeminal D 500

47 What is the anatomical name for a nerve cell? E 100

48 Neuron E 100

49 Which part of a neuron contains the nucleus? E 200

50 Cell Body E 200

51 Which part of a neuron receives in coming impulses from another neuron? E 300

52 Dendrites E 300

53 The gap (space) between two neurons that are passing impulses from one another is called ____________. E 400

54 Synaptic Cleft E 400

55 Axon terminals release which type of molecule to stimulate the passage of an impulse from one neuron to another? E 500

56 Neurotransmitters E 500

57 Which part of the nervous system is made of the external nerves radiating from the spinal chord? F 100

58 Peripheral Nervous System F 100

59 F 200 Autonomic means what?

60 Involuntary (we don’t control the action) F 200

61 Which branch of the autonomic nervous system is responsible for readying your body for either “fight or flight” response? F 300

62 Sympathetic Branch F 300

63 A ________________ is a network of intersecting nerves that combine spinal nerves that serve the same area of the body into one large grouped nerve. F 400

64 Nerve plexus or just ‘plexus’ F 400

65 What term refers to a cluster of nerve cell bodies within the peripheral nervous system? F 500

66 Ganglion F 500

67 The Final Jeopardy Category is: Nerves Please record your wager. Click on screen to begin

68 What term refers to the region of skin that is controlled by one specific nerve? Click on screen to continue

69 Dermatomes Click on screen to continue

70 Thank You for Playing Jeopardy!

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