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Famous People and Dates Famous Documents Frame of Government Principles of the Constitution Key EventsGovernment Terms 100 200 300 400 500 Main page (home)

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Presentation on theme: "Famous People and Dates Famous Documents Frame of Government Principles of the Constitution Key EventsGovernment Terms 100 200 300 400 500 Main page (home)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Famous People and Dates Famous Documents Frame of Government Principles of the Constitution Key EventsGovernment Terms 100 200 300 400 500 Main page (home)

2 Famous Dates and People - 100 Points Question In what year was the Declaration of Independence signed?

3 Famous Dates and People - 200 Points Question Who was commander-in-chief of the Continental Army during the American Revolution?

4 Famous Dates and People - 300 Points Question In what year was the U.S. Constitution written?

5 Famous Dates and People - 400 Points Question Who was the main author of the Declaration of Independence?

6 Famous Dates and People - 500 Points Question What were the years that the American Civil War was fought?

7 Famous Documents - 100 Points Question What was the document that declared that the United States was a sovereign nation?

8 Famous Documents - 200 Points Question What was the document passed by Parliament in 1689 that guaranteed Englishmen certain individual rights?

9 Famous Documents - 300 Points Question What was the document signed by King John in 1215 that granted Englishmen basic human rights?

10 Famous Documents - 400 Points Question What was the document adopted in 1781 that was the first national constitution for the United States?

11 Famous Documents - 500 Points Question What were the newspaper articles published in New York that supported the adoption of the U.S. Constitution?

12 Frame of Government - 100 Points Question What was the document adopted in 1791 that guaranteed individual rights to Americans?

13 Frame of Government - 200 Points Question What was the document written in 1787 that established the American system of government?

14 Frame of Government - 300 Points Question What was the amendment adopted in 1865 that abolished slavery in the United States?

15 Frame of Government - 400 Points Question What was the amendment adopted in 1870 that extended the right to vote to African American males?

16 Frame of Government - 500 Points Question What was the amendment adopted in 1868 that defined U.S. citizenship and provided equal protection under the law?

17 Principles of Government - 100 Points Question What principle divides government into the executive, legislative, and judicial branches?

18 Principles of Government - 200 Points Question What is the principle where power is held by the people and exercised through elected representatives?

19 Principles of Government - 300 Points Question What principle distributes the powers of government between the national and state governments?

20 Principles of Government - 400 Points Question What principle gives each branch of government powers over the other two branches so that no branch becomes too powerful?

21 Principles of Government - 500 Points Question What principle says that all powers of government belong to the people who can change or abolish their government?

22 Key Events - 100 Points Question What was the war fought by the colonies to win their independence from Great Britain?

23 Key Events - 200 Points Question What was the conflict between the North and the South over social, economic, and political differences?

24 Key Events - 300 Points Question What was the meeting of state delegates where the U.S. Constitution was written?

25 Key Events - 400 Points Question What was the period after the Civil War when the Southern states were brought back into the Union?

26 Key Events - 500 Points Question What was the event in 1832 when South Carolina attempted to nullify the federal tariff?

27 Government Terms - 100 Points Question What, according to the Declaration of Independence, are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness?

28 Government Terms - 200 Points Question What were the objections of the American colonists that were listed in the Declaration of Independence?

29 Government Terms - 300 Points Question What is principle that places restrictions on the powers of government and requires everyone to obey the laws?

30 Government Terms - 400 Points Question What is the belief that that states are sovereign and have rights independent of the national government?

31 Government Terms - 500 Points Question What are the rights of the people protected by the amendments in the Bill of Rights?

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