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R AISING A HAPPY CHILD By FS SEN Department Mrs. Amita Nambiar Mrs. Gulnaz Ashraf Mrs. Divya S Ravindran.

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Presentation on theme: "R AISING A HAPPY CHILD By FS SEN Department Mrs. Amita Nambiar Mrs. Gulnaz Ashraf Mrs. Divya S Ravindran."— Presentation transcript:

1 R AISING A HAPPY CHILD By FS SEN Department Mrs. Amita Nambiar Mrs. Gulnaz Ashraf Mrs. Divya S Ravindran

2 S PENDING QUALITY TIME Meaningful time spent with your child.


4 I T CONSISTS OF …… Time spent one to one A fixed time. Focused attention on the child. Doing activities with them

5 H OW DO I GO ABOUT DOING THIS ???? Choose activities keeping their interest in mind Introducing new activities and new skills Talking about values- right from wrong Talking about their day Talking about their feelings and emotions

6 W HAT DO I GAIN FROM DOING THIS ??? Avoidance of my child seeking attention negatively. Helps in building a stronger bond with my child. Helps my child to trust me. My child gains a sense of belongingness.


8 FOSTERING INDEPENDENCE Teaching your child to take care of themselves and to do things on their own.

9 W HAT YOUR CHILD IS CAPABLE OF DOING IN E ARLY YEARS Self help. Wipe up own spills. Put dirty clothes in hamper. Start swim lessons. Keep away toys. Climbs staircases. Knows basic information about self. Helps picking up groceries at the store. Puts away clean laundry. Leaves bathroom clean. Can make emergency calls. Can do balancing activities. Can tie own shoe laces.

10 S O HOW CAN WE ACHIEVE THIS INDEPENDENCE IN CHILDREN ??? Take a step back by allowing choices. Let them make mistakes. Teach problem solving. Offer lots of opportunity for unstructured / free play. Give your children age appropriate chores and responsibilities at home. Allow your children to feel some degree of frustration. Be a role model to your child.

11 Discussion


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