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Welcome to KLMS Open House 7 th Grade ELA Ms. Zotter

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1 Welcome to KLMS Open House 7 th Grade ELA Ms. Zotter

2 Supplies Composition notebook (remains in class) 1 folder with pockets (remains in class) pencils each day notebook paper (inside their school binder) 90-100 A 80-89 B 70-79 C Below 70 F *Setting Up TxConnect- If you are new to Pflugerville, simply go to the main PFISD webpage and click the PARENTS tab. The TxConnect link will walk you through the steps on how to set up an account. You will need a portal ID # to set up a new account. You may obtain this in the front office by showing your ID. The front office staff will not be permitted to give portal ID’s over the phone. Thank you for your understanding. Grading Scale & TxConnect

3 Absences When a student returns to school from an absence, they need to take their parent/doctor’s note to the front office. Students will be given 3 days for every day absent to complete make-up assignments. Late Work & Point Deductions Grade Level policy states that the highest grade a student may earn on late work is a 70%. Assignments must be turned in within the 3 week grading period or bundle. For example, if a student has an assignment from the first week of school, it will be accepted until the 3 rd week of school with the highest possible score of a 70%.

4 Make-Up Work / Corrections Assessments can be turned in or corrected within a reasonable time frame for no grade higher than a 70%. (district policy) Practice Assignments can be turned in or corrected within a reasonable time frame for no grade higher than a 70%. (district policy) (reasonable time frame = 3 week grading period)

5 40 Book Challenge Students at Kelly Lane have been challenged to read 40 books by the end of the school year. A reading log has been provided to your child that stays in class. Each student MUST read at least 1 book each 9 weeks. How will they accomplish this? ALL classrooms are providing SSR (silent sustained reading) this year. Therefore, it is mandatory that they bring a book for SSR. 12:12-12:27 Monday - Thursday Will this count for a grade? YES – Each 9 weeks students will complete a project from a menu of choices that will count as an ASSESSMENT grade each 9 weeks in ELA. Check-Ups Along the Way- Students will have reading or writing responses throughout the 9 weeks to assess their progress on the book they are reading.

6 All Pre AP students were assigned a summer reading project during the first week of school. The project to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the novel will be due WEDNESDAY, SEPT. 17 th. Pre AP Summer Reading STAAR TEST DATES Writing – April 7 th & 8 th Reading – April 22 nd

7 Calendar Every other Friday is library day Every three weeks there will be a curriculum bundle assessment (sometimes in the form of a process paper) Every 9 weeks a book report will be due (must be a chapter book) Every week one 7 th grade student will be honored with a Star of the Week Certificate (be on the lookout)

8 Thank You!! Thank you for the honor of teaching your child. Please feel free to email or call me with any questions or concerns. Have a wonderful evening! Tissue Boxes & Wet Wipes are always appreciated. Any chapter books your child may no longer want. Wish List

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