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About Slogans 595201058 Senior A Candy Yen.

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1 About Slogans Senior A Candy Yen

2 Subway, chain of fast food restaurants
Advertising slogans: Subway. Eat fresh The Way A Sandwich Should Be. -- I think this slogan is trying to attract the costumers that you can eat the fresh vegetable and fresh ingredients in Subway. If a good sandwich is not fresh and not tasty at all.

3 Haagen-Dazs, ice cream brand
「救救小蜜蜂」、「BEE A HERO」、「HELP BEES GET BUSY」,用富生命力的角色藉由冒險故事傳遞蜜蜂消失的議題與危機,讓消費者提高關注這項與人類有切身關係的生態議題。 Haagen-Dazs依舊可以賣著純天然、健康但價格不貲的冰淇淋,但它也可以用獨特、真誠的態度,重新獲得與消費者溝通的機會。


5 Lay's potato chips & crisps
Advertising slogans: "Betcha can’t eat just one” --Many other foods have been described as “can’t eat just one.” “Impossible to eat just one!” They were described as something that “you can’t eat just one.”

6 McDonald‘s fast food Slogans: McDonalds. I’m lovin‘ it.
-- I think that they want to show the costumers that What you want is what you get. McDonalds can give you all you like. And want to see your smile when you eat their foods. Because that their Ads on the TV are all those people who are win the olympic games or who is successful on their life. They are satisfied.

7 Convenient stores slogan:全家就是你家。 -- home is the warmest place in the world, they want you come and help yourself. And they want the costumers let 全家 as their own homes . slogan:always open 7-11。 is a 24-hour shops, they always open and did not closed even the hoildays.

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