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Oxidation Reduction.

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1 Oxidation Reduction

2 Oxidation and reduction
REDOX Where reactants exchange electrons - Examples: All types of batteries alkaline, NiCad, car batteries Rusting and corrosion Metabolism Antioxidants (Vit C, E prevent oxidation) 13

3 Oxidation and reduction
REDOX Where reactants exchange electrons - Oxidation = Losing electrons LEO: Lose Electrons Oxidation (Gain O or Lose H) Reduction = Gaining electrons GER: Gain Electrons Reduction (Gain H or Lose O) LEO the lion says GER

4 Oxidation and reduction
(Get reduced) Chapter 18, Figure 18.19 (Get oxidized)

5 Oxidation and reduction
LEO 4+ 3+ 2+ 1+ 1- 2- 3- 4- Chapter 18, Figure 18.20 GER

6 Oxidation and reduction
Assign Oxidation States: 2 Na(s) + Cl2 (g)  2 NaCl 1+ 1- For element in natural form Ox State = 0. For simple ions, Ox state = charge.

7 Oxidation and reduction
Who’s loosing or gaining electrons? Loses 1 e- = LEO 2 Na(s) + Cl2 (g)  NaCl Gains 1 e-=GER 1+ 1- Na loses e- (LEO) Na gets oxidized Cl gains e- (GER) Cl gets reduced

8 Oxidation and reduction
Oxidation - when a reactant loses e-(s). (LEO) Na (s) Na+ + e- Reduction - when a reactant gains e-(s). (GER) Cl2 (g) + 2 e Cl- These are half reactions 14

9 Oxidation and reduction
Who’s loosing or gaining electrons? Loses 1 e- =LEO 2 Na(s) + Cl2 (g)  NaCl Gains 1 e- =GER 1+ 1- Na loses e- (LEO) so Na gets oxidized Na caused Cl to get reduced Na is the Reducing agent

10 Oxidation and reduction
Who’s loosing or gaining electrons? Loses 1 e- =LEO 2 Na(s) + Cl2 (g)  NaCl Gains 1 e- =GER 1+ 1- Cl gains e- (GER) so Cl gets reduced Cl caused Na to get oxidized Cl is the Oxidizing agent

11 REDOX reactions 4 Fe + 3O2 2 Fe2O3 Lose 1 e- = LEO 3+ Gain 2-
3+ 4 Fe + 3O Fe2O3 Gain 1 e- = GER 2- Iron is oxidized and is a reducing agent. Oxygen is reduced and is an oxidizing agent. 17

12 REDOX reactions 2 H2 + O2 2 H2O Lose 1 e- = LEO 1+ Gain 2- 1 e- = GER
1+ 2 H2 + O H2O Gain 1 e- = GER 2- Hydrogen is oxidized and is a reducing agent. Oxygen is reduced and is an oxidizing agent. 17

13 Oxidation and reduction
Chapter 18, Figure 18.19

14 Acid Reactions ZnCl2 + H2 Lose 1 e- = LEO Zn + HCl  Metal Acid Salt
1+ 1- 2+ 1- Gain 1 e- = GER H+ Cl- Zn Ie. Hollow pennies

15 Element give e’s to ion lower on list
Activity series of metals potassium calcium magnesium aluminum zinc chromium iron nickel tin lead copper silver platinum gold Hydrogen Zn + Cu+1  Zn+2 + Cu increasing reactivity Element give e’s to ion lower on list

16 Zn + Cu+1  Zn+2 + Cu Voltaic Cell Cu+1 + e- Cu Zn  Zn+2 + 2e- LEO
Lose 1 e- = LEO Zn + Cu+1  Zn+2 + Cu Gain 1 e- = GER Zn  Zn+2 + 2e- Cu+1 + e- Cu LEO Oxidation at Anode GER Reduction at Cathode

17 Voltaic Cell

18 Voltaic Cell Zn + Cu+1  Zn+2 + Cu increasing reactivity potassium
calcium magnesium aluminum zinc chromium iron nickel tin lead copper silver platinum gold Hydrogen -2.92 eV -2.87 -2.37 -1.67 -0.76 -0.74 -0.44 -0.24 -0.14 -0.13 +0.34 +0.80 +1.20 +1.50 0.00 Zn + Cu+1  Zn+2 + Cu 0.76 0.34 1.10 volts increasing reactivity

19 Zn + NH4+1  Zn+2 + NH3 Dry Cell Battery NH4+1 + e- NH3+ H2
Lose 1 e- = LEO Zn + NH4+1  Zn+2 + NH3 Gain 1 e- = GER Zn  Zn+2 + 2e- NH4+1 + e- NH3+ H2

20 Element give e’s to ion lower on list
Activity series of metals potassium sodium calcium magnesium aluminum zinc chromium iron nickel tin lead copper silver platinum gold Hydrogen Al + Fe+3  Fe + Al+3 Black Iron coats inside of Al pan increasing reactivity Fe + H+  Fe+3 + H2 Acidic food turns Iron into soluble ions Element give e’s to ion lower on list

21 Electroplating Cr+2 + 2e- Cr

22 Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell
2H2 + 4OH1-  4H2O + 4e- O2 + 2H2O + 4e- 4OH1- Oxidation at Anode Reduction at Cathode

23 Hydrogen-Oxygen Fuel Cell

24 Combustion The Ultimate Oxidation CH4 + 2O2  CO2 + 2H2O LEO 4- 1+ 4+
4+ 2- 1+ 2- GER Carbon is oxidized and is a reducing agent. Oxygen is reduced and is an oxidizing agent.

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