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Soils and Regolith.

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Presentation on theme: "Soils and Regolith."— Presentation transcript:

1 Soils and Regolith

2 Pedology- The study of soils
Pedogenic processes depend on: ClORPTH Climate - Temperature, H2O, freezing Organisms - Addition and digestion of Org. Material Relief - Slope Steepness - Balance with erosion Parent Material - what do you start with? Time - How long has it been sitting there? Humans - Addition of fertilizer, tillage, salinization, etc… FLUX SITE

3 The importance of soils
Life on Earth depends on soil Soil is a vital non-renewable resource It takes > 1000’s of years to form a soil Chemical weathering happens in soils

4 Soil Degradation (erosion)

5 The Dust Bowl

6 Soil Horizons E/A2

7 Soil Formation

8 Clay Formation in Soils
Primary 2:1 1:1 0:1

9 Some Soil Profiles Oxisol Alfisol Aridisol

10 Soil Water

11 Climate and Organisms

12 Relief


14 Parent Material

15 Time

16 Naming Soils Soils are named on the basis of Subsurface horizons
Layers in the soil that reflect soil forming processes

17 Soil Orders Alfisols - Moderate temperature forests
Andisols - Soils on volcanic material Aridisols - Soils from deserts Entisols - Little soil formation Gelisols - Soils in cold regions w/ permafrost Histisols - Soils on peat Inceptisols - Young soils Mollisols - Grassland soils Oxisols - Tropical forests Spodosols - Cool, wet coniferous forests Ultisols - Tropical and subtropical forests Vertisols - Soils with cracks

18 Global Soil Distribution

19 Major Terrestrial Biomes

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