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THE FIELDS OF LINGUISTICS AUG. 26, 2015 – DAY 2 Brain & Language LING 4110-4890-5110-7960 NSCI 4110-4891-6110 Fall 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "THE FIELDS OF LINGUISTICS AUG. 26, 2015 – DAY 2 Brain & Language LING 4110-4890-5110-7960 NSCI 4110-4891-6110 Fall 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE FIELDS OF LINGUISTICS AUG. 26, 2015 – DAY 2 Brain & Language LING 4110-4890-5110-7960 NSCI 4110-4891-6110 Fall 2015

2 Course organization Fun with 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 2

3 LINGUISTICS & NEUROLINGUISTICS 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 3

4 THE FIELDS OF LINGUISTICS 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 4

5 What are the parts of the sentence below? Flying planes can be dangerous. 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 5

6 Speech sounds 'Flying planes can be dangerous.' [fla ɪ iŋ ple ɪ nz kæn bi de ɪ n ʤ ə ɹ əs] Practice What is the phonetic transcription of ‘flies’, ‘ban’, ‘bank’ and ‘judge’? [fla ɪ z], [bæn], [bæ˜ŋk], [ ʤ ə ʤ ] What is the graphemic transcription of [næt], [ ʤ i ɹ ], [ke ɪ n], [bəs] and [ ɹ iŋ]? 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 6

7 The cognition of speech: phonology Practice Decide which of the following words have nasalized vowels: ‘mop’, ‘mod’, ‘bone’, ‘bass’, ‘bond’, ‘bad’, ‘nab’ Can you think of a rule or generalization that predicts whether a vowel is nasalized or not? 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 7

8 A table of contexts N+VV+OV+N ‘mop’ [map] ‘dodge’ [da ʤ ] ‘Don’ [dãn] ‘nod’ [nad]‘bass’ [bæs]‘bone’ [bõn] ‘nab’ [næb]‘bad’ [bæd]‘bond’ [bãnd] 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 8

9 French GraphemicPhoneticMeaning ‘sa’[sa]his/her ‘sans’[sã]without ‘beau’[bo]handome ‘bon’[bõ]good 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 9 How does nasalization of a vowel affect a word in French? Can you think of a rule or generalization that predicts whether a vowel is nasalized or not?

10 English vs. French GraphemicPhoneticPhonemic ‘dodge’ [da ʤ ]/da ʤ / ‘Don’[dãn]/dan/ ‘sa’[sa]/sa/ ‘sans’[sã]/sã/ 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 10

11 Phonetic vs. phonemic organization PropertyPhoneticPhonemic unitallophonephoneme notation[]// representationphysicalmental distributioncomplementarycontrastive 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 11

12 The parts of words Practice Divide the following words into morphemes. Can you tell what each morpheme does? ‘morphology’, ‘blackberry’, ‘cranberry’, ‘transport’, ‘blacken’, ‘disassemble’, ‘run’ What is the longest word in English? Post your longest word to our Facebook page. Divide it into morphemes, on your own, not necessarily on Facebook. 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 12

13 Putting words together Our sample sentence is ambiguous: Flying planes can be dangerous. That’s why I would never fly one. Flying planes can be dangerous. One crashed just the other day. To fly a plane can be dangerous. That’s why I would never fly one. Planes up in the air can be dangerous. One crashed just the other day. Notation [ NP [ ADJ flying][N planes]] can be dangerous. That’s why I would never fly one. [ NP [ V flying][ N planes]] can be dangerous. One crashed just the other day. 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 13

14 How to know a phrase when you see one 1a. What can be dangerous? Flying planes. b. What planes can be dangerous? Flying. c. but: What planes can be dangerous? Flying ones. 2a. What can be dangerous is flying planes. b. What planes can be dangerous is flying. 3a. It is flying planes that can be dangerous. b. It is flying that planes can be dangerous. 4a. Flying planes which are overloaded can be dangerous. b. Flying which planes are overloaded can be dangerous. 5a. Flying planes can be dangerous. They are everywhere. b. Flying can be dangerous. They planes are everywhere. 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 14

15 Practice: Crash blossoms 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 15

16 Meaning Try to identify the semantic relationships that hold between the words of each line: 1. violin, fiddle 2. hot, cold 3. finger, hand 4. wood, chair 5. virus, epidemic 6. car, plane, train 7. I stowed my gear in the trunk. vs. I stowed my gear in the asparagus. 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 16

17 Summary of the fields of linguistics FieldObservations graphemicsthe study of writing systems; a little with visual language auditory phoneticsyes articulatory phoneticsyes phonologyyes prosodythe study of stress and intonation; yes morphologyyes syntaxyes semanticsyes pragmaticsa little lexicographythe study of words; implicit in some of the others language developmentthe study of how children learn language; maybe bi- or multilingualismthe study of people who speak more than one language; a little sociolinguisticsthe study of how language varies by social group; no dialectologythe study of the language of specific (usually geographically defined) social groups; no historical linguisticsthe study of how languages change; no, neuroscience can’t study dead people, but … evolution of languagethe study of how humans acquired language; maybe – what fun! almost pure speculation anthropological linguisticsthe study of how language varies by social group, usually pre-industrial or non-Western; no

18 THE MACROSTRUCTURE OF THE BRAIN 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 18

19 The three axes of brain organization 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 19

20 The four cerebral lobes Which way is forward? 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 20

21 Which way is forward? 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 21

22 Cortex: grey vs. white matter 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 22

23 Functions 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 23

24 Up and down in the brain 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 24

25 The two hemispheres 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 25

26 NAMING CONVENTIONS 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 26

27 Gyri & sulci 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 27

28 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 28

29 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 29

30 NEXT TIME Aspects of linguistic competence, Ingram §2. Read the study questions on the last page of the chapter before you read the chapter. 8/26/15Brain & Language - Harry Howard - Tulane University 30

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