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Life on a Colonial Farm. Most Colonial Farms were… Self sufficient - they could grow all the food they needed and use all the resources on the farm to.

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Presentation on theme: "Life on a Colonial Farm. Most Colonial Farms were… Self sufficient - they could grow all the food they needed and use all the resources on the farm to."— Presentation transcript:

1 Life on a Colonial Farm

2 Most Colonial Farms were… Self sufficient - they could grow all the food they needed and use all the resources on the farm to live without help from other people. Some farmers grew cash crops; however, most farmers simply ran the farm in order to feed their families.

3 Farms were divided into Acres One acre = 43,560 square feet

4 The Average Farm was 60 Acres

5 House Lot- 2 Acres The living space Often 10-15 people lived here –Parents –Children (usually 4-8) –Grandparents –Uncles and Aunts who are not married –Servants and workers

6 Wood Lot- 20 Acres Use this for all the fireplaces for the year. Need 5 Acres each year Plant 5 acres each year

7 Meadow - 15 Acres Used to make Hay Hay is used to feed the animals in the winter time.

8 Pasture -15 Acres A place for the animals to graze

9 Tillage- 6 Acres The place where the family would grow its crops. If the family was growing cash crops, this would be bigger. Most farm family only grew enough food for themselves.

10 Orchard- 2 Acres Fruit trees (mostly apple trees) Apples were used to feed the animals and to make cider.

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