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You’re watching. Lunch Menu Mon – tuna salad / chzburger Tue – turkey pot pie / bbq sw Wed – salisbury steak / ckn sw Thu – lasagna / pizza Fri – ckn.

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Presentation on theme: "You’re watching. Lunch Menu Mon – tuna salad / chzburger Tue – turkey pot pie / bbq sw Wed – salisbury steak / ckn sw Thu – lasagna / pizza Fri – ckn."— Presentation transcript:

1 You’re watching

2 Lunch Menu Mon – tuna salad / chzburger Tue – turkey pot pie / bbq sw Wed – salisbury steak / ckn sw Thu – lasagna / pizza Fri – ckn nuggets

3 Breakfast Menu Mon – apple roll Tue – ckn biscuit Wed – choc chip mini loaf Thu – scrambled eggs Fri – pancakes

4 Word of the Day climacteric \ klahy-mak-TER-ik \, noun; 1. A critical period. 2. Physiology: a period of decrease of reproductive capacity in men and women, culminating, in women, in the menopause. 3. A year in which important changes in health, fortune, etc., are held by some theories to occur, as one's sixty- third year 4. The period of maximum respiration in a fruit, during which it becomes fully ripened.

5 Nov. 6 is Georgia Apply to College day! Seniors will be called according to advisement. Update your GaCollege411 account before the event. See your counselor for more information. Announcements

6 Congrats to the competition cheerleaders for being Region 1- AAAA champions! They will compete in Columbus on Nov. 10! Announcements

7 Congrats to the boys cross country team for being Region 1-AAAA champions! Dale Pate also repeated in first place! Good luck at State! Announcements

8 Mrs. Dent has 16 gig flash drives for sale in the media center for $8. Also, if any of your students who have been in here or in Lab 126 have lost flash drives, check with Mrs. Dent. Announcements

9 Jostens will take announcements, cap and gown, and class ring orders on Nov. 6 during lunch. Seniors: bring a $100 down payment and completed order form. Juniors: design a ring on or bring $50 payment. Announcements

10 Boys and Girls Soccer Conditioning will start Nov. 12 at 4:00 at Holley Gym. If you plan to attend you must have an up to date physical and a medical release form on file. All students planning on attending must sign up with Coach Simpson in the gym. Announcements

11 Standby SAT test-taking is not permitted. If you miss the last registration deadline, or if your paper registration has been returned unprocessed without enough time to resubmit it, you may be able to go online to request a waitlist status up until five days before test day. Unregistered individuals will not be admitted to the test center under any circumstances. Test registration on test day at the test center is not available. Announcements

12 Saturday Detention Current Closing Dates: November 24 December 15, 22, 29 February 16, 23 April 6 May 25 Announcements

13 Driver’s Education Location: Moultrie Technical College- Tifton Campus Dates & Times: 5pm – 8pm: Nov. 5, 6, 8, 12, 13, 15 9am – 3pm: Nov. 10 & 17 (Saturday) ***This is a 36 hour course. Announcements

14 Driver’s Education 30 hours of the course are classroom time and 6 hours driving time. Cost: $260.00 Age Limit: 15 years old & up, must have Learner’s Permit! Bring: Spiral Notebook & pen. For more information, please call Lauren Pope at 229-391-2645 Announcements

15 Last will & testaments should be turned in to room 149 by Friday, Dec. 14. Limit: 150 words. Dr. Chesser will edit these. To save pages and cost, LW&T will be published for FREE, separate from yearbook. Announcements

16 We have a few pages left for anyone who would like a senior ad. Stop by room 149 and see Mr. Holt as soon as you can. Announcements

17 Miss the One Day sale for YEARBOOK?? Hurry! The last day to order is Dec. 14!! Get a form in room 149 or on the forms page at $60 now. $80 in May. Announcements

18 Listen to Ram Radio on Nov. 9 beginning at 7 p.m. for the game at Monroe-Albany! Worth County Rams vs. Monroe Tornados. FM 93.5 Announcements

19 There are 42 Georgia Military Scholarships available for this year's high school seniors. So far, we have three applicants. We need more! For detailed information on how to apply for the scholarship, please go to this page:

20 Need help designing your senior ad? Stop by room 149 and see a yearbook staff member (4 th period). All pictures and special messages due by Nov. 1. Pay off balance by Feb. 1. Announcements

21 Upcoming picture dates: Oct. 31 – Senior superlatives and favorites pictures Nov. 14 – club/organization pictures Nov. 14 – winter sports pictures Announcements

22 Join Fort Valley State University for Preview Day (Nov. 10, Feb. 9, Apr. 6) to observe the academic and cultural opportunities at FVSU's beautiful campus. Explore the more than 40 major fields of study, including Business Administration, Electronic Engineering Technology, Forensic Science and Education. Register today! 478-825- 6348. Announcements

23 Congrats to Teacher of the Year J.J. Altouvas!! Announcements

24 Congrats to the 2012 Homecoming Court! Girls - Courtney Odom, Cassidy Vanmatre, Bristal Thompson, Jasmine Best, Tynesia Bell, Belle Carter. Boys - Marlin Hall, Lavonte Robinson, Hakeem Slade, Corey Lumpkin, Eli Redell, Jay McMickin… Announcements

25 Ushers - Shatavia Curry, Jarria Shipp, Shalonda Smith, Robin Johnson, Tye Fowler, Leon Holley, Wesley Douthit, Garrett Berry. Freshmen - Alexis Collins, Chunta Rutland, Brandon Moore, Zytavious Anderson. Sophomores - Cambria Rushing, Courtney Hamilton, Quentavious Aikens, Jamon Moore. Juniors - Diamond Hooks, Marandia Buford, Rekedrick Farley, Rakeem Farley. Announcements

26 Scholarships now available! Stop by the counselors' office for details: Horatio Alger Association due Oct. 25. Jefferson Scholars, Nov. 1. Albany Elk’s Dec. 7. Worth Co. Farm Bureau Feb. 1. Mediacom Feb. 15. Darton Dean's Scholar due March 15. Suntrust due May 10. Announcements

27 All senior ads or yearbook balances must be paid in full by Feb. 1, 2013. Turn in special messages and pictures for ads by Nov. 1, 2012 Announcements

28 Math Tutoring is every Tuesday and Thursday from 3:30 - 4:30. Tuesdays = Math 1 &2 in Room 191 with Ms. Dodd; Math 3 & 4 in Room 122 with Mrs. York Thursdays = Math 1 & 2 in Room 189 with Ms. Couch; Math 3 & 4 in Room 125 with Mrs. Souter Announcements

29 Join FBLA! They meet during Group 3 clubs. Dues are $10 now. See a Business teacher (rooms 101-104) to join. Announcements

30 Ignite Bible Study Every Friday 7:15-7:50 a.m. Multipurpose room Announcements

31 Important Phone Numbers: Jostens (graduation, rings): Announcements

32 FM 93.5 Announcements Follow us on

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