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Tuesday 18 March Page  1. CLIL Teaching Scenarios.

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Presentation on theme: "Tuesday 18 March Page  1. CLIL Teaching Scenarios."— Presentation transcript:

1 Tuesday 18 March Page  1

2 CLIL Teaching Scenarios

3 The Minds of Italian Students

4 Go to your rooms. Form groups Think of three challenges your students will face when learning through your CLIL Module Share those with the other groups in your room. Choose a rapporteur Come back to the main room and share your conclusions

5 Major Drivers of CLILover last 10 years

6 Emergence of The Digital Generation

7 Research 2013 (Common Sense Media) Families with Children 0-8 yrs Tablet Devices at Home 2011 8% 2013 40% Children Using Devices 2011 36% 2013 72 % Using Screen Media 2011 2.16 hr 2013 1.55 hr Outcome: Substantial increase in use of mobile devices by Young people

8 Digital as a Second/Foreign Language

9 Positive Impact Across the Curriculum

10 Significance of Plasticity in Education The brain as adaptive and not ‘hard-wired’ Cerebral architecture is heavily influenced by experiences such as CLIL/EMILE Plasticity Brain Mind Learning in an additonal language can have a fast positive impact on mind and brain

11 Neurons that Fire Together, Wire Together Neuroplasticity

12 Added Value

13 Short-term (working) Memory Page  13

14 Supports Learning in General Page  14

15 Problem-solving

16 Perception & Thinking Skills

17 Filtering information

18 Interpreting Information

19 Thinking Creatively

20 Digital Literacy

21 Interpersonal Skills

22 The Ageing Mind

23 What do we see? CLIL as a particularly relevant approach to thinking and learning by the Internet Generation

24 1200-1300 Building Action Plans

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