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To See the Temperature Inside Microwave Thermal Imaging

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Presentation on theme: "To See the Temperature Inside Microwave Thermal Imaging"— Presentation transcript:

1 To See the Temperature Inside Microwave Thermal Imaging
Qianqian Fang Thayer School of Engineering Dartmouth College Advisor: Keith Paulsen Acknowledgement: Paul Meaney, Margaret Fanning, Dun Li, Navin Yagnamurthy

2 Magnetic Resonance Imager (T1 weighted)
Computated Tomography (CT) MRI(T2 weighted) MRI(PD weighted) Single Photon/Positron Emission Computed tomography(SPECT/PET)

3 Microwave Imaging System
For thermal monitoring Research Background Overview of temperature detection methods Principals and algorithm of MIS Hardware configurations Progress in MIS group Phantom experiments In Vivo experiments Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

4 Microwave Imaging System
For thermal monitoring Research Background Overview of temperature detection methods Principals and algorithm of MIS Hardware configurations Progress in MIS group Phantom experiments In Vivo experiments Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

5 Research Background Medical Thermal Imaging Methods:
Invasive - Direct Measurement Thermocouple Probes Non-Invasive MR(Magnetic Resonance) Ultrasound Microwave Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

6 Comparisons of Imaging Methods
Measure Type Clinical Cost Accuracy Thermocouple Probes Temperature (Directly) Invasive Yes Low 0.3~0.5 oC MR Density of Protons Non-invasive High 1 oC Ultrasound Sound Speed No ?? Microwave Permittivity Conductivity Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

7 How Microwave Imaging Works
Linear Relationship between temperature and permittivity and conductivity, especially conductivity, generally there is a 1-2% increase per oC Antenna Responses ε and σ Temperature Reconstruction Linear Relationship Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

8 Forward Problem and Inverse Problem
Scattering Problem Inverse Scattering Problem known FEM FD MoM BEM …. unknown The Procedure of Reconstruction is an Inverse Scattering Problem Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

9 Overview of Algorithm Algorithm of CT Algorithm of MIS Object
Linear Reconstruction Non-Linear Reconstruction Object Newton Method FEM+BEM Dualmesh scheme Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

10 Hardware Configurations
Theoretical Model Snapshot Computer Control Antenna Array Water Heating Pipe Microwave Feeding Cables Transmit /Receive Module Animal Ventilation Pipes Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

11 Monopole Antenna Array
Dielectric Insulator Monopole Antenna Array Plate Coaxial Feed Lines Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

12 CT Scanner in the Experiments
Possible Property Initial Guess Verification of Thermal Sensor location Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

13 Microwave Imaging System
For thermal monitoring Research Background Overview of temperature detection methods Principals and algorithm of MIS Hardware Configurations Progress in MIS group Phantom Experiments In Vivo Experiments Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

14 Sausage Experiment(Phantom)
Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

15 Sausage Experiments Data Analysis
Conductivity Position Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

16 Heated Saline Tube Relative Permittivity Conductivity (S/m) Difference (Conductivity) Heated Tube of Saline 25 0C 34.8 0C 41.8 0C Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

17 Pig Experiments(In Vivo)
Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

18 Pig Experiments - Results
Reconstruction Results Differences Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

19 Microwave Imaging System
For thermal monitoring Research Background Overview of temperature detection methods Principals and algorithm of MIS Hardware Configurations Progress in MIS group Phantom Experiments In Vivo Experiments Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

20 Thermal Imaging Wizard
SSH Telnet Interface PC Calculation UNIX SSH FTP Other Features File Name Template Multi-user support Configuration Profile Structure Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001


22 Reconstruction Program Structure
Preprocessor Phase Unwrap Old Method Post-processor Qianqian Fang, Mar, 2001

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