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Viral Diseases.

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1 Viral Diseases

2 Chickenpox Also known as varicella
Very contagious disease spread by air by infected people when sneezing or coughing and by contact through infected blisters As of 1995, there is a vaccine

3 Shingles Caused by the same virus that causes chickenpox
Years or decades after being infected with chickenpox, virus reactivates in spinal nerves and creates painful blisters

4 Dengue Fever Caused by virus of Flaviviridae
Known as “breakbone” fever because of the severe pain it causes along with a skin rash Transmitted by mosquitoes in the tropics

5 Epstein-Barr Virus Causes mononucleosis “kissing” disease
Symptoms include swollen spleen, lymph glands, and fatigue

6 Hand, Foot, and Mouth Disease
Characterized by high fever that declines rapidly after 2-3 days Blisters inside mouth lead to excessive secretion of stringy, foamy saliva and drooling Blisters on foot may be prevalent as well

7 Hantavirus Also known as Four Corners Virus or Sin Nombre Virus
Spread through infected rodents and their excretory waste Deadly pulmonary disease

8 Hepatitis Different forms (A, B, and C)
Affect liver and lead to liver disease Vaccinations given at young age for types A and B

9 Marburg Filovirus family (same as Ebola)
Causes severe bleeding and hemorrhaging Spread by monkeys to humans

10 Measles Highly contagious airborne pathogen that spreads via the respiratory system Causes respiratory problems with a rash MMR vaccine available for vaccination

11 Meningitis Inflammation of the area around the brain and spinal cord
Causes back pain along with neck pain Leads to confusion

12 Mumps Painful swelling of the salivary glands (parotid gland)
MMR vaccine available for vaccination

13 Polio Affects nerves and can lead to partial or full paralysis
May cause muscular debilitation

14 Rabies Caused by bite of an animal and causes neurological problems

15 Rubella German measles
Starts with rash on face and spreads to the rest of the body

16 SARS Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome
Corona virus that usually causes a fever plus atypical pneumonia or respiratory distress syndrome Rare but found in areas of Asia

17 Smallpox Rare virus (eradicated in the 1970’s worldwide)
Two variants: Variola major and Variola minor Leads to raised fluid-filled blisters that are highly infectious when opened and leave scars if an individual survives

18 West Nile Virus Starts as a fever that eventually leads to neurological pain and confusion (encephalitis) Spread by mosquitoes via infected birds

19 Influenza Also known as the flu
Different forms that create respiratory problems

20 Avian Flu H5N1 Carried through infected birds
May infect humans if it mutates

21 Swine Flu H1N1 Mutated form of influenza virus from pigs

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