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The Supreme Remedy Put the Root BEFORE the Fruit.

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Presentation on theme: "The Supreme Remedy Put the Root BEFORE the Fruit."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Supreme Remedy Put the Root BEFORE the Fruit

2 Introduction

3 Introduction Colossians 1:9-12aColossians 1:9-12a Colossians 1:9-12a

4 Foundation of PRAYER

5 Continual SupportContinual Support “Since the day we heard about you, we have not stopped praying for you…”Col. 1:9a

6 Foundation of PRAYER Continual SupportContinual Support Focused on the EssentialsFocused on the Essentials Continual SupportContinual Support Focused on the EssentialsFocused on the Essentials

7 ROOT  Filled with KNOWLEDGE of God’s Will “…asking God to fill you with the knowledge of His will…”Col. 1:9

8 Knowledge based on relationshipKnowledge based on relationship ROOT  Filled with KNOWLEDGE of God’s Will Jesus said, “Remain in Me and I will remain in you.” John 15:4

9 ROOT  Filled with KNOWLEDGE of God’s Will Knowledge based on relationshipKnowledge based on relationship Through ALL spiritual wisdom and understandingThrough ALL spiritual wisdom and understanding Knowledge based on relationshipKnowledge based on relationship Through ALL spiritual wisdom and understandingThrough ALL spiritual wisdom and understanding

10 ROOT  Filled with KNOWLEDGE of God’s Will KNOWLEDGEKNOWLEDGE based on relationship WISDOM UNDERSTANDINGThrough all spiritual WISDOM and UNDERSTANDING

11 Blessed is the man… whose delight is in the law of the Lord… Psalm 1:1-3

12 And on His Law he meditates day and night. He is like a tree planted by streams of water…

13 Blessed is the man… whose delight is in the law of the Lord… Psalm 1:1-3 …it yields its fruit in season and its leaf does not whither. Whatever he does prospers.


15 Jesus said, “IF you remain in Me and I remain in you…”

16 ROOTFRUIT ROOT  FRUIT Jesus said, “IF you remain in Me and I remain in you…” “…you will bear much fruit; apart from Me you can do nothing.” John 15:5

17 The FRUIT: “the natural byproduct”

18 WALK Worthy of the LordWALK Worthy of the Lord

19 The FRUIT: “the natural byproduct” WALK Worthy of the LordWALK Worthy of the Lord PLEASE Him in Every WayPLEASE Him in Every Way WALK Worthy of the LordWALK Worthy of the Lord PLEASE Him in Every WayPLEASE Him in Every Way

20 The FRUIT: Walk Worthy, Pleasing Lord Bears Fruit in Good WorksBears Fruit in Good Works

21 The FRUIT: Walk Worthy, Pleasing Lord Bears Fruit in Good WorksBears Fruit in Good Works Grows in Knowledge of GodGrows in Knowledge of God Bears Fruit in Good WorksBears Fruit in Good Works Grows in Knowledge of GodGrows in Knowledge of God

22 Strengthened with ALL PowerStrengthened with ALL Power The FRUIT: Walk Worthy, Pleasing Lord

23 Strengthened with ALL PowerStrengthened with ALL Power – According to His glorious might!! – Gives great endurance and patience! Strengthened with ALL PowerStrengthened with ALL Power – According to His glorious might!! – Gives great endurance and patience! The FRUIT: Walk Worthy, Pleasing Lord

24 Bears Fruit in Good WorksBears Fruit in Good Works Grows in Knowledge of GodGrows in Knowledge of God Strengthened with ALL PowerStrengthened with ALL Power Gives Thanks to the FatherGives Thanks to the Father Bears Fruit in Good WorksBears Fruit in Good Works Grows in Knowledge of GodGrows in Knowledge of God Strengthened with ALL PowerStrengthened with ALL Power Gives Thanks to the FatherGives Thanks to the Father The FRUIT: Walk Worthy, Pleasing Lord


26 You May Walk Worthy of the Lord Pleasing Him in Every Way So that… We ask God to fill you with the Knowledge of His will

27 “If anyone does not remain in Me…

28 “If anyone does not remain in Me, he is like a branch that withers…” John 15:6

29 APPLICATION Don’t Put the Cart before the HorseDon’t Put the Cart before the Horse


31 APPLICATION Put the Root BEFORE the FruitPut the Root BEFORE the Fruit And Pray the Essentials for Other BelieversAnd Pray the Essentials for Other Believers Don’t Put the Cart before the HorseDon’t Put the Cart before the Horse Put the Root BEFORE the FruitPut the Root BEFORE the Fruit And Pray the Essentials for Other BelieversAnd Pray the Essentials for Other Believers

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