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Ecology Jeopardy 11111 2222 2 33333 44444 55555 Abiotic factors Symbiotic Relationships Biomes Human Interactions Random miscellaneous stuff.

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Presentation on theme: "Ecology Jeopardy 11111 2222 2 33333 44444 55555 Abiotic factors Symbiotic Relationships Biomes Human Interactions Random miscellaneous stuff."— Presentation transcript:

1 Ecology Jeopardy 11111 2222 2 33333 44444 55555 Abiotic factors Symbiotic Relationships Biomes Human Interactions Random miscellaneous stuff

2 Abiotic Factors -2 Q: When this changes, temperature changes as well…….. A: What is altitude? Back to board

3 Abiotic Factors-1 Q: This is the process of changing compounds containing nitrogen into nitrogen gas. A:What is denitrification? Back to Board

4 Abiotic Factors-3 Q: This is the difference between abiotic and biotic factors... A: Abiotic is non-living and biotic is living Back to board

5 Abiotic Factors -4 Q: These processes are part of the carbon cycle. A:What are photosynthesis, cellular respiration, assimilation and decomposition. Back to board

6 Abiotic Factors~5 Q:This is a limiting factor in the ocean A:What is light and temperature? Back to board

7 Biomes- 1 This Biome has heavy annual rainfall, constant warm temperature, and includes many species of broad leafed plants…………. What is a tropical rain forest? Back to board

8 Biomes~2 Q: Foxes and squirrels are most likely to live in this common biome…….. A:What is a deciduous forest? Back To Board

9 Biomes~3 Q:This is a major land area characterized by permanently frozen subsoil…….. A: What is a tundra? Back to Board

10 Biomes~4 Q: This biome is characterized by little rainfall and daily temperature fluctuations……….. A: What is a Desert? Back to Board

11 Biomes~ 5 Q: This is the biome that is dominated by pine, fir and spruce trees………... A: What is the taiga biome? Back to board

12 Human Interactions~1 Q: This is the importance of the ozone layer A: What is preventing some of the sun’s UV light from hitting the earth ? Back to board

13 Human Interactions~2 Q: Deforestation leads to these two problems A: What are erosion and changes in the soil? Back to board

14 Human Interactions~ 3 Q: Affluent lifestyles have led to increased demands for a wide variety of consumable products. The packaging of these products has caused environmental problems that are most directly associated with this action... A: What is solid waste disposal/pollution? Back to board

15 Human Interactions~4 Q: these activities (3) reduce the carbon dioxide production in the US A: What are higher fuel efficiency cars, driving less and more efficient buildings. Back to board

16 Human Interactions~5 Q: This practice will help conserve soil resources... A: What is planting cover-crops on slopes along highways? Back to board

17 Random Stuff~1 Q: Name two examples of abiotic factors Abiotic Factors- Altitude, weather, climate, temperature, precipitation Back to board

18 Symbiotic Relationships ~ 1 Q: These are the three kinds of symbiotic relationships... A: What is commensalism, mutualism, and parasitism? Back to Board

19 Symbiotic Relationships ~ 2 Q:This is what symbiotic means……….. A: a close relationship between organisms living together Back to Board

20 Symbiotic Relationships ~ 3 Q: This is an example of the relationship between and tapeworm and a dog... A: What is parasitism? Back to Board

21 Symbiotic Relationships ~ 4 Q: This has to happen in a symbiotic relationship... A: One organism always has to benefit Back to Board

22 Symbiotic Relationships ~ 5 Q: In parasitism, state the name of the organism that is benefited and the organism that is harmed A: The organism that is benefited is the parasite and the harmed organism is the host. Back to Board

23 Random Stuff ~ 2 Q Interconnected food chains form a... A: What is a food web? Back to Board

24 Random Stuff ~ 3 Q. Changes in an ecosystem after a volcano has erupted until a climax community forms A: What primary succession? Back to Board

25 Random Stuff ~ 4 Q: This states that only one only one specie of organism can occupy a niche A: What is the Competitive Exclusion Principle? Back to Board

26 Random Stuff ~ 5 Q: A primary source of energy for ecosystems is... A: What is sunlight? Back to Board

27 Random Stuff~6 Q: These three factors affect population growth A:What are birth rate, death rate and migration.

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